New Features That Delayed Notepad Update in Windows 10 Brings – 12/07/2018


Microsoft has planned on Wednesday some improvements that this year will bring its expected update to the Windows 10 operating system.

RedStone 5 (the name that receives the update) will mean changes in the browser Edge, Remote Desktop news, freehand writing and attack protection.

But the big big surprise is that Microsoft has finally decided to give it a wash for one of its older and more ubiquitous products. Notepad will be updated for the first time in many years.

The program is a simple text editor that had its first version in 1983 for the MS -DOS system and then came to Windows, where it was always installed as a function of # 39; plant.

In his several decades of life has had little change. With each Windows he was increased his ability to work with heavier files, added and changed fonts and added a few key combinations.

For more than fifteen years, the notebook has not updated its portfolio of functions. And yet, it is an application that should always be useful because, in its own way, it continues to solve simple tasks during writing and, also, during programming.

Now, users of Windows 10 can enjoy several changes in the old and beloved TXT file editor

1) Searches

Notepad improves its clumsy function to find a word or a piece text in the document.

Now the search box will include the ability to review the entire file. Until now, it was possible to indicate if the search was done from the point where the user was at the bottom or at the top. But once he reached the end or the beginning of the document (depending on what was indicated), he stopped the search. This option will allow to also examine the rest.

"Wrap around". Notepad now allows you to search for text throughout the document.

In addition, the field in which you enter "Search:" will store in the new version the word or phrase you searched for in the last search. Used or filled with text that has been highlighted immediately before the function opens.

2) Zoom

Finally, Notepad can increase or decrease the text view without having to change its font size

This will be a function that will be added to the View menu and that will indicate the Zoom percentage in the status bar (at the bottom of the program window).

3) Status Bar

By default, whenever Notepad is open, the status bar is displayed. Until now, it was necessary to "ask" it in the View menu.

And the update will allow the status bar to correctly display the numbering of rows and columns even when Format has selected Line Adjustment. keyboard

Something that was behind the notebook is in the interpretation of standard key combinations. For example, I already understood the cancellation (CTRL + z), cut (CTRL + x) and paste (CTRL + v).

But now, add others equally essential. The CTRL + BACKSPACE ("Backspace") shortcut can be used to delete the immediately preceding word.

In addition, to increase or decrease the Zoom, you can use the combinations of CTRL +, CTRL- and CTRL + 0, or the CTRL with the mouse wheel.

5) The weight and a minimal correction

Microsoft also said that "It improved the performance of the Notepad by working with large files ", although it does not specify the maximum weight that will support.

And announced the correction of a tiny detail (which many had to worry about for years). By selecting a word or phrase and pressing an arrow key, the clbad will not move, but deselect the text, as most programs do for interfaces.

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