New law in Denmark: if you don’t say yes, it’s rape …


Denmark amended its law to defend women’s rights: now, the law recognizes that without consent, there is a violation. He also considers that violence is not necessary for a crime against sexual integrity to exist, although is not entirely clear when it comes to passivity as lack of consent. The Nordic country therefore joins the eleven other European countries in which sex without consent is synonymous with rape..

The Danish Parliament on Thursday approved the new law which qualifies as rape any type of sexual relationship without prior explicit consent between the two parties. The text is inspired by the similar experience of its neighboring country, Sweden.

The law aims to give greater protection to victims of sexual abuse who cannot resist the act, for example, by being unconscious. In addition, physical violence will no longer be a condition for rape to be qualified and judged as such. However, the justice ministry clarified that it will be the prosecutor in charge of the investigation who will have to present evidence of sexual abuse.

The law, which was approved without abstention or opposition. it will officially enter into force on January 1, 2021. The Minister of Justice, Nick Haekkerup, assured that “it is now clear that if the two parties do not consent to have sex, it is a matter of rape “.

Greetings from Amnesty International

Amnesty International celebrated the progress by stating that “today is a great day for Danish women, as outdated and dangerous rape laws have been relegated to the dustbin of history and ubiquitous rape laws have been relegated to history. authorized to terminate. endemic stigma and impunity for this crime.

This historic day did not come by chance. It is the result of years of campaigning by survivors who, by sharing their painful stories, have helped ensure that other women do not have to endure what they have endured.

As incredible as it may sound, with Denmark they are only 12 countries in Europe that recognize that sex without consent constitute a violation, although the change is gaining momentum in other countries that are also considering changing their laws. “

What is happening in Argentina?

The Law 25087 He is responsible for labeling crimes against sexual integrity. For Justice, the need for an act of physical violence as a representation of the absence of consent is excluded. It is classified as sexual abuse to any act that limits a person’s right to choose the sexual activity they wish to exercise.


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