New law in Japan provides for fines and jail time for those who steal drones while intoxicated


New habits require that laws be updated. A new example of this correlation comes from Japan, where the Chamber of Deputies has approved a regulations that regulate the use of drones. For it to be effective, it must be approved by the Senate Chamber of that country.

One of the paragraphs establishes the prohibition to fly these air vehicles in drunk. It also details the sentences for those who break this law. In particular up to one year in prison and 300,000 yen finewhich equates to almost $ 2,800.

"We believe that The use of drones after consuming alcohol is as serious as driving while intoxicated (cars)"Said an official of the Ministry of Transport of Japan.

Other offenses

The regulations currently being enforced on Japanese lands do not end in the drunk flying drones.

The law also provides for pecuniary penalties for those who exhibit the integrity of others or the public infrastructure. This during dangerous maneuvers, for example acrobatics in inconvenient spaces.

In these cases, the fines are up to 500,000 yen, equivalent to approximately $ 4,600. The regulation applies to drones weighing more than 200 grams. It also prohibits flying 300 meters away from military installations without prior authorization.

As they explain in BBCPreviously, it was forbidden to do so near other places in this country, such as nuclear power plants, parliament buildings, government offices and airports.

In addition, it will not be possible to fly unmanned aerial vehicles near the stadiums and facilities of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games, which will take place in the middle of next year.

Among other requirements, they establish that you must avoid flying in overcrowded areas, only do so during the day and keep the drone in sight throughout the flight.


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