New law: the corpse becomes a fertilizer


Washington allows accelerated decomposition that turns the body into fertile soil in a month.

Washington State has become a pioneer in the United States. by allowing a method that converts human bodies into fertilizer. Governor Jay Inslee signed a law authorizing the accelerated decomposition process that turns corpses into fertile lands in a month.

Katrina Spade, founder and CEO of the company Recompose, presented the idea to the governor. And as he revealed, if all Washington residents opted for recomposition after their deaths, "we would save more than half a million tons of CO2 (carbon dioxide) in just 10 years." This amount of carbon dioxide equals the energy required by 54,000 homes per year.

This alternative badumes a more ecological option, turning the bodies into fertile soil from a dead body. The body is introduced without embalming into a composting chamber with other organic materials, producing 0.76 cubic meters of fertile soil.


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