New mass demonstration against Bolsonaro across Brazil | Rejection of management and request for dismissal


Thousands of people again flooded the streets of 251 Brazilian cities in rejection of the management of President Jair Bolsonaro and in favor of a Accused against him, in a new national mobilization called by unions, student organizations, social movements and left and center parties.

The demonstrations are organized by the Popular Front of Brazil, People Without Fear, the National Front Fora Bolsonaro, the Forum for the Rights of Democracy Já! and by the nine political parties that signed the impeachment demands addressed to the president.

In addition, more than 80 trade unions, leaders of 21 political spaces and different sectors of Brazilian civil society joined in protesting against the political and economic management of Bolsonaro.

The protests have their epicenter in capitals such as Rio de Janeiro, Recife, Salvador, Fortaleza, Goiania, Teresina, Belem, Sao Luis and Florianópolis, where posters with slogans such as “Bolsonaro genocida and corrupt” or “Vaccine in the arms, food on the plate and out of Bolsonaro ”, according to the information portal G1.

In the rallies, in addition to the red flags linked to the Workers’ Party (PT), there were also banners of the Central Unica de Trabajadores (CUT), the LGBTIQ + movement and that of Brazil, which predominates in the marches in favor of Bolsonaro.

Although the marches against the government were called by left-wing groups, there were also representatives of liberal and center-right parties such as the Democrats, the Brazilian Democratic Movement, the current Liberal Party, Solidarity, the Social Party. Brazilian Democrat, the Social Democratic Party, Novo and the Liberal Party. Social Party, among others.

Although the protests gained more support than in previous mobilizations, right-wing groups that broke with the government refused to participate.

In addition to inflation, unemployment and management of the pandemic that has left 600,000 dead, there are in the Brazilian parliament more than a hundred impeachment demands against Bolsonaro, which has seen his popularity drop to 22%, at most. low since coming to power. power in 2019.

Despite this scenario, Bolsonaro led massive protests a month ago in Brasilia and Sao Paulo, where some 125,000 of his supporters gathered, a number far below what he had promised to mobilize.


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