New Moon in Scorpio November 2020: rituals of passion and personal power


The night of that November 15 it’s the night of New Moon. But a very special one, because this New Moon in Scorpio It is the most intense, energetic and vibrant of the year.

Scorpio is a sign as emotional as it is mysterious; as sensitive as strong. It is a sign associated with change and renewal; to death and resurrection. It is also the sign intuition, the one that allows us to see things as they are, the one that allows us to draw our veils to understand reality as it is, with good and evil.

So these are days to review our inner being and connect with our true essence, without any fear of what we may find. In fact, these are days to truly recognize ourselves, discover the best in ourselves, and take advantage of qualities that we had hidden or thought we had lost.

But Scorpio It is also the sign of sexuality, it is the most erotic and magical of zodiac. All this energy is imposed on these nights to be recognized and stimulated.

So let’s take advantage of this New MoonAnd its strength to be reborn, to resurface our essence and to be able to free ourselves from all the “bad vibrations” that surround us.

Spell to attract passion

It is a ritual that will allow us to open ourselves to passion, to the fire of love, with pleasure and without fear or shame. The idea is that it allows us to unblock what blocks us – or allows us to fully enjoy – at the time of sex.

At night, in a calm environment, put a glass of water with sugar and a red apple next to a red candle. When lighting the candle, we have to say this sentence: “The magical moon grants me the strength and power of love and detaches me from what does not allow me to be happy.”

New moon in Scorpio: spell to attract passion Photo: Thinkstock Photos

New moon in Scorpio: spell to attract passion Photo: Thinkstock Photos

After repeating it three times we visualize a desired situation, in a nice place and with the person we want to be with. The more we can focus on visualization, the better.

Once the candle is consumed, the apple should be buried in a pot (or a place with earth) and watered with the water from the glass.

Ritual of personal power

Recognizing and loving ourselves as we are, with our lights and shadows, is the key to being able to move forward smoothly and achieve what we want. However, often this is not easy and we tend to hide the part of our personality that we don’t like – fears or bad feelings – which we often even reject.

Acceptance is therefore the first step to take. And this spell is intended for him.

At night, and better if it is near a window, we light a white candle and, next to it, we place a purple object that belongs to us (it can be jewelry, a piece of clothing, a handkerchief or, quite simply, a ribbon).

When we light the candle, we are asking him to give us all the lighting to see our interior and to transmute all that negative that we don’t like and prevent us from moving forward and evolving as people. Then we imagine ourselves wrapped in purple, smiling happily and achieving whatever we are looking for.

After the candle goes out, we have to carry the object with us for 7 days.

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