New projections put August inflation at nearly a year low


Last week, Economy Minister Martín Guzmán announced that inflation in August would be “lower than in July”. While it is true that the increases have slowed since the peak in March (+ 4.8%), the CPI has already exceeded between January and July the 29% that the Government had projected for the whole of 2021.


According to the Regional Center for Economic Studies of Bahía Blanca Argentina (CREEBBA), inflation was 2.9% in the eighth month of the year. The number is lower than that given by INDEC in July (3%) but higher than that recorded by CREEBBA itself that month (2.8%).

According to this index, the biggest increase at the chapter level took place in Indumentaria, up 5%. Above average, prices also increased in Equipment and operations (4.9%), health (4.6%) and food and beverages (3.6%).

In the latter division, the main increases were seen in semi-hard cheeses (12.2%), sodas and mineral waters (10.9%), margarine and other fats (10.9%) , juices and soft drinks (9.8%) and cold cuts. (8.8%).

During the month of August, the Core category was above the rest of the categories, registering a growth of 3.7%, driven by growth in semi-hard cheeses (12.2%), leather goods (11.4%), margarine and other fats (10.9%) and wine (10.9%) ).

On the other hand, according to CREEBBA, seasonal goods and services showed an average increase of 2.7%, and regulated goods and services showed growth of only 1.7%.


In parallel, the survey on C&T prices for Greater Buenos Aires presented a 2.6% increase monthly in August, while in July it was 3.1%. This clue showed that Health has improved well above average, driven by the increase in drugs and the authorized adjustment for prepaid.

Regarding food and beverages, the recorded increase was 3%, with a great influence of drinks, and moderation in the price of meat.

Further away, in leisure there has been a slowdown after the peak I had in July for the holidays, and in transport the same thing happened due to the moderation of car prices and the lack of fuel adjustment.


According to the measurement of the consulting firm Orlando Ferreres, inflation in August was 2.6% per month, below the 2.7% that the entity had measured in July. In contrast, inflation core advanced at a monthly rate of 2.9%.

Regarding the main articles, Health at the top of the trail of the month, since it recorded a monthly increase of 5.5%. For its part, Clothing did so at 3.6% per month, while Housing grew by 2.7% per month.

As for regulated goods and services, they recorded a monthly variation of 1.5%, while seasonal workers increased by 2.9% monthly.

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