New prophecy from Bill Gates: he set a date for the end of the coronavirus


Microsoft founder Bill Gates is right to talk about the coronavirus. Since the start of the pandemic, he has been active in the media, giving advice and asking people to maintain social distancing, wear a mask and get vaccinated.

Following his departure from Microsoft, Gates, 65, became an expert in treatments, vaccines and epidemics. Faced with the coronavirus, he has invested 450 million dollars for the development of vaccines and, above all, for their distribution.

In an interview with “NBC Today” Thursday, Gates spoke of the crisis facing the United States during the winter when the number of infections and severe cases is expected to increase dramatically. . However, he also clarified that the vaccination strategy and the arrival of spring will bring an abrupt end to the crisis in the middle of the year.

Bill Gates spoke on the show "NBC today" and he was optimistic.

Bill Gates spoke on “NBC Today” and was optimistic.

“It’s a paradoxical situation because things are getting worse at the moment. The next five months are shaping up to be rather grim, unless we can redouble our behavior, ”he said. “But we will see that the treatments will start to be carried out and in the spring the numbers will change dramatically. And, you know, we’ll get back to normal. “

The United States, in fact, is going through one of the worst times of the pandemic. On Tuesday, more than 2,500 people died in that country, the highest number since April, and on Thursday, 180,000 new cases and more than 100,000 people were hospitalized for Covid-19.

“The truth is, December, January and February are going to be tough times. In fact, I think these months are going to be the most difficult in the history of public health in the United States, ”Center for Disease Control director Robert Redford said on Wednesday at a public conference in which he said. said: pretty much the same arguments as Bill Gates. However, Redford went further and said there could be 150,000 to 200,000 deaths between December and February.

Bill Gates is betting on vaccination as the end point of the pandemic.

Bill Gates is betting on vaccination as the end point of the pandemic.

For Gates, the most important thing in the situation is prevention and that is why, in his interview with NBC, he recommended – as all official health organizations do – social distancing and the use of masks.


The vaccine is the only solution to the pandemic, according to Gates. To demonstrate this, he referred to the success of vaccination campaigns against malaria, Ebola and polio in Africa and Asia, projects to which he contributed through his foundation. For this reason, in light of recent results from the Pfizer, BioNTech and Moderna vaccines, which were successful in demonstrating high efficacy in phase 3 studies, he was optimistic:

“I think almost any vaccine is going to be a success. It’s good science, good industrial manufacture and good cooperation, even between institutions in various countries, ”Gates said. “In this war, we are all together.”

Moderna's vaccine, one of those that appears to be a solution to the coronavirus.  Photo: AFP

Moderna’s vaccine, one of those that appears to be a solution to the coronavirus. Photo: AFP

Therefore, when asked if he was going to be vaccinated, he was blunt: “I will immediately take my opportunity and get vaccinated,” he said, acknowledging that the priorities set for first vaccinate a certain population at risk must be observed.

According to United States government officials, 100 million people will be vaccinated before the start of March.

However, Gates also took the opportunity to criticize the vaccination strategy, as he said it was a mistake for distribution to be in the hands of state administrations: “The federal government has abdicated a lot of its responsibilities by full crisis. public health, ”Gates said. “The federal government has much more resources than the states.”

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