New record of infections in Brazil: 115,228 cases …


the Brazilian Ministry of Health reported this wednesday an unfortunate new record: 115,228 new cases of coronavirus have been detected in the country in the past 24 hours, the highest figure since the start of the pandemic. 2,392 were also confirmed deaths from the virus. With these figures, the country ruled by Jair Bolsonaro accumulates 18,169,881 infections and 507,109 deaths since the first case was detected in March 2020.

Last Saturday, Brazil became the second country in the world to exceed half a million deaths from coronavirus, after the United States. According to data from Conass, the daily average of deaths over the past seven days was 2,003 as of Wednesday, compared to the average of 1,986 daily deaths a week ago.

The figures confirm an acceleration of the epidemiological curve in recent weeks and coincide with projections by experts that the country may be on the verge of a third wave of pandemic, aggravated by the onset of winter.

Also, according to calculations by Imperial College London, pathogen transmission rate increased from 1.07 last week to 1.13 this Wednesday, which indicates that for every 100 infected, another 113 are infected and is considered a sign of lack of control of the pandemic.

This Wednesday, moreover, the government of Rio de Janeiro announced the detection of a new variant called P5. As reported by the State Secretariat for Health, the mutation was localized in the municipality of Porto Real and “So far, we can’t say it’s more deadly or transmissible” than the others that circulate in the rest of the world.

Vaccines, hope

In this context, Brazil trusts progress in vaccination to stop the spread of the disease, despite the shortage of raw materials for the manufacture of new doses, which has already paralyzed vaccination in some cities, including Sao Paulo, the largest city in South America.

Until, about 30 percent of the country’s more than 210 million people received the first dose of the vaccine, while just over 11 percent received the second and completed the process.


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