New reform of the labor force in Chile will work 4 days a week | Chronic


The President of Chile, Sebastián PiñeraOn Thursday, he signed a bill to relax the work day and allow shifts of four days a week in agreement with the worker.

The Chilean government project seeks to adapt the work to the lives of employees and proposes a day of 180 hours monthly to distribute "differently each week, allowing a better use of personal and family time "said the executive in a statement.

"This law will allow everyone to express their preferences and will be able to adapt more freely to these preferences the working day", for its part, during the presentation of the reform, the Minister of Labor, Nicolás Monckeberg.

Each week, the employee can choose his work schedule between 4 and 6 working days, which sometimes allows three-day breaks from the weekend.

Another flexibility that includes job reform is the ability to adapt work entry and exit schedules so that employees can adapt their daily work schedules to their needs.

The days can also be square in an exceptional way to coincide with a family vacation.

"These are measures that, with the will of the workers, we can accept working days that reflect better the real preferences and, consequently, improve the quality of life of the workers"Piñera said during the presentation of the project at the Palacio de La Moneda, Chilean government headquarters, according to the EFE news agency.

The plan promotes the recognition of studies for people with disabilities, to promote inclusion, and promotes gender policies to strengthen the role of women in the world of work.

In this sense, the draft establishes regulations with greater rigor to prevent, control and punish badual harbadment and work.

The labor reform will now have to go through the Chilean Congress and get the support needed to be voted favorably in both legislative chambers.


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