New report: Argentina at the bottom of the table of a world ranking on the situation and the future of the economy


Alberto Fernández and Martín Guzmán
Alberto Fernández and Martín Guzmán

The perception of society on the economic situation and the management of the Argentine government continues to decline sharply.

This is reflected in an international study by Ipsos, which concludes that the positive perception of the economic situation is among the lowest among the 29 countries measured in the report “The Economic Pulse of the World”.

In the Argentine case, Only 6% of responses indicate that the current situation in the country is good, compared to a global average of 35%, led by 94% in Saudi Arabia, 89% in China and 69% in Australia. On the other side, at the bottom of the table, are Argentina and Colombia with 6 percent.

In December 2019, with the change of government, this percentage was 10% and peaked in May 2020 with 16%, but since then it has declined and is at its lowest since April 2018, when the financial crisis erupted. which led the government of Mauricio Macri to go to the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

Argentina has had inflation over the last 12 months which has touched 50% – in the highest group in the world -; Economic activity fell 9.9% in 2020 and, although a 7% recovery is expected this year, it has lost in the past three months compared to the previous month. Poverty stood at 42% in the first quarter of the year and unemployment at 10.2%, due to a drop in the participation rate. Although the government keeps the official dollar tamed, the exchange rate differential remains around 80 percent, with increasing pressure on parallel exchange rates.

In the region, Chile is showing leadership with 24%, followed by Mexico with 23%, Peru with 18% and Brazil with 13%. Among developed countries, in Canada the percentage reaches 38%, France 21%, Germany 52%, Great Britain 33%, Israel 56%, Italy 13%, Sweden 65% and the United States 46%. In regional terms, Latin America ranks lower than Europe, the Middle East and Africa, and North America.

Argentina, on the wrong track, according to an Ipsos report
Argentina, on the wrong track, according to an Ipsos report

In June of last year, 40% of Argentines thought Argentina was “on the right track” and 60% in the “wrong direction”; a year later, the percentages rose to 26% and 74%, respectively. In particular, in the ranking of concerns, inflation is ranked first with 44%, crime with 42%, unemployment with 39%, poverty with 37% and only in fifth place is the coronavirus with 37%.

When asked if the situation will improve in the next six months in Argentina, 26% said yes, compared to a global average of 32%. In December 2019, that number was 41%, peaked in January 2020 with 49% and in 2021 it has fallen from 36% in January to 26% currently.

In Brazil it was 55%, Peru 47%, Mexico 46% and Chile 40%. Once again, the world rankings were led by Saudi Arabia with 77%, followed by China with 61%, Brazil with 55% and India with 52%. In contrast, in Japan it barely reaches 8%, Russia 13% and Sweden 15%.

Asked about the strength of the economic situation, 9% of respondents answered yes in Argentina, against a world average of 31%. This percentage has remained at similar levels since the change of government at the end of 2019 (11% at the time) and this year it started at 12%.

The worries of Argentines, in an IPSOS report
The concerns of Argentines, in an IPSOS report

With this number, Argentina barely exceeds Japan and Colombia, where it reaches 7%. In contrast, in China it was 81%, in Saudi Arabia 75% and the Netherlands 56%.

“Over the past month, the difference between countries that are making rapid progress with the immunization plan (and the resulting reopening of activities) and countries that are further behind is being seen again. Among the first are Israel, Hungary, Italy, France and Belgium where concern about the coronavirus has decreased by more than 10 percentage points, ”he told Infobae the director of public affairs and corporate reputation of IPSOS Argentina, Brenda Lynch-Wade.

Over the past month, the difference between countries that are making rapid progress in the immunization plan (and the reopening of activities that follows) and countries that are further behind (Lynch-Wade) has again become evident.

“In June, there was also an eight percentage point increase in the proportion of Argentines concerned about COVID-19. In these cold months, there has been a sharp increase in cases as well as an acceleration of vaccination, ”he said.

In addition, he explained that “The economy continues to be the most worrying, as 91% of Argentines agree that the country’s economic situation is bad and 52% also rate their personal financial situation negatively. 74% also consider that their employment situation is less stable and believe that it is possible to lose their job. These indicators are at the same level as in June 2019 when the electoral campaign began and it ended up verifying a defeat for the party in power ”, in this case, of President Mauricio Macri. Whether history repeats itself in electoral terms remains to be seen, at least in this year’s midterm elections.


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