New report could give unexpected turn to cause of death of boy who fell in a well – 27/02/2019


The owner of Totalán's farm where he was the well where little Julen fell means the emergency personnel responsible for the death of the child. According to a report presented by David Serrano's attorneys at the Malaga Court of Appeals No. 9, which had access to Europa Press, the death of the child "could have occurred during the rescue".

More than 300 people participated in the operation which, after 13 days of intense work, saved the lifeless body of little Julen from inside the well. During the first field inspections, the technicians found a compact earth mbad that blocked the orifice at about 70 meters deep, which is why several tools were used to measure their thickness and attempt to eliminate. It was one of those tools, a pickaxe, who would have caused the injuries that the child presented and that caused his death, according to the report presented by Serrano.

The eight members of the Bigrada de Salvamento who participated in the rescue of little Julen. (EFE)

The eight members of the Bigrada de Salvamento who participated in the rescue of little Julen. (EFE)

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This technical report, commissioned by the Serrano Defense to an architect who collaborates in this case with the law firm, indicates as one of the conclusions that "the pickaxe actions, ten impacts in total, between 17h30 and 21h day of the incident is the only thing that can physically produce the wounds on the head and the skull of the child"

Remember that forensic experts, in a preliminary autopsy report, estimating that the death had occurred "as a result of severe traumatic brain injury that affected the temporo and fronto-temporal region", the same day. the fall, showing the report that "This part of his head could hardly receive an impact of this magnitude during the fall".

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The document, made with the records and other information that is part of the summary and which is centered between 15:30 and 0:00 on Sunday – the day of the fall – indicates that "the fact that after extracting the pickaxe for the last time collected at the end of the miner's eight hairs, including three with telogenic roots, leads us to ask what alternative thesis to the direct impact on the child's head can explain the presence of these biological remains at the tip of the pickaxe? "

On Tuesday, Interior Minister Fernando Grande-Marlaska held a ceremony at which the rescuers of the child of Totalán They were decorated with the Medal of Merit of Civil Protection. In the law, Marlaska emphasized the spirit of "solidarity and determination" of the members of the operation, as well as the "example of unity" that they gave to the citizenship.

Jose Rosello and Victoria Garcia, Julen's parents. (AP)

Jose Rosello and Victoria Garcia, Julen's parents. (AP)

Serrano said he was the subject of an investigation for an alleged crime of reckless homicide last Friday, February 22nd. He defended his innocence and reiterated that what happened was unpredictable. The owner of the farm said that he had covered the hole with two concrete blocks and had warned of his presence and that he had "always been entrusted to a professional to handle" all that concerned prospecting.

This Wednesday, the three hikers who helped Julen's parents after the boy fell into the well testified as witnesses before the judge who is the case's instructor. In total, the judge was called to testify before 12 witnesses, including the pocero – who will appear on March 12th – and the operation that widened the gap after the field investigation.


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