New revelations from the prophecies of Nostradamus: the third world war after the pandemic?


Nostradamus’ predictions continue to get people talking. In a new series, they revealed that the French astrologer who died in 1566 announced that after the pandemic World War III would break out. But that’s not all because, according to the transcripts, he also spoke about the third antichrist, mega volcanoes and even earthquakes.

The truth is that much of what Michel de Nostredame predicted came true over time, so experts pay special attention to who interprets his writings. In total there are 942 prophecies and Bobby Shailer, who closely follows the documents and is the voice of the new documentary, revealed that according to the analyzes carried out, the third antichrist is already on Earth. It also ensures that an earthquake will occur in California and that its magnitude will be such that it will divide the Mississippi River.

Bobby estudió al astrólogo durante una década y por eso, indicó que Nostradamus “habla de algo que él llama la conflagración final, fuego del cielo, eventos de nivel de extinción, dos o tres, que probablye sucedan cerca de 3797, pero conflagración variasagraciones Before that. “In fact,” there will be other “catastrophic events that will occur in the near future.

As explained in British media “The Sun”, Nostradamus predicted a devastating flood that could be produced in Britain. “After the earthquake of the earth on the tin island of St. George, war will come” while Britain “will be inundated”, said the famous French astrologer.

In the prophecies, there is a huge earthquake that will occur on May 10th. However, specialists cannot specify the year. The documents speak of a “large complete theater”, suggesting that it could take place in Hollywood.


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