New revelations question the impartiality of Sergio Moro in the Lava Jato case | Internationale


The Brazilian Minister of Justice, Sergio Moro, has become the center of political life since June 9, the digital newspaper The interception brazil He began filtering messages that he would have exchanged with the operation investigation team. Wash jato. These messages cast doubt on his impartiality as a judge. This Friday, the weekly magazine Veja has published information that will further shake the image of Moro, since they would prove that he acted in a calculated manner. According to this information, Moro would have maneuvered to maintain power in the causes of the operation Wash jato, in which former President Lula is involved.

According to the dialogues badyzed by the journalists of L & # 39; interception and Veja, there is evidence of the interference of the judge, who would have come to hide information to a minister of the Supreme Court, Teori Zavascki, then magistrate rapporteur of the operation Wash jato in the supreme. Zavascki died in 2017, victim of an aircraft accident. The episode mentioned by the magazine is related to the prison of the businessman Flávio David Barra, accused of having paid bribes while presiding over the company AG Energia, Group Andrade Gutierrez. In August 2015, Barra's defense asked the Supreme Court to suspend the proceedings initiated by the 13th Curitiba Court. The resource included a spreadsheet containing the names of politicians who received bribes from the company. Because there are politicians involved – who are certified – the cause should be taken by the Supreme.

In October, Zavascki asked Moro for an explanation, who in turn baderted that he did not know that there were deputies involved in the Barra case. However, a subsequent dialogue between prosecutor Athayde Ribeiro Costa and Commissioner Erika Marena of the Federal Police suggests that the judge probably knew that politicians were involved in the case. Costa says that he urgently needs a "spreadsheet / agenda" with payments to politicians seized by Barra. Marena replies that, at Moro's suggestion, she did not scramble to save the document in the Justice electronic system.

The messages indicate that Moro may have lied to Zavascki or omitted this information, already knowing that the spreadsheet existed and, therefore, the possible involvement of politicians in the case, and asked the commissioner to "not not be in a hurry ". by recording it. Thus, the cause would remain in Curitiba. Both badumptions are compromising for the current Minister of Justice.

Another fragment of the report quotes ex-MP Eduardo Cunha, charged with submitting the petition for dismissal of Dilma Rousseff to Congress in 2015 and having been arrested the following year. "I am against it," Moro said in a message to Lava Jato's operations coordinator, Deltan Dallagnol, in July 2017, in which he was questioning "rumors" that Cunha would go to court. But the prosecutor rebadured the judge: "These are just rumors, they are irrelevant, if you want, I'll let you know."

The messages also include a pleasant detail, but which reinforces the veracity of the dialogues and weakens the Minister's argument that the messages may have been modified by forces interested in interrupting the operation. Wash jato. On May 7, 2016, the judge told Dallagnol, through Telegram, that the famous television presenter Fausto Silva congratulated him for the operation and repeated to the prosecutor the advice that he gave him. had given. "He said that during interviews or press conferences, you need to use simpler language, so that everyone understands you." For people, I told him I would tell you. years on TV, keep that in mind. "The presenter confirmed the magazine Veja the meeting and the conversation with Moro.

This Friday's report has worked like a wildfire in social networks and has become another hurdle for the minister, who endorses the Bolsonaro government, becomes a person "endorsed" by the president, who has promised to take over the government. to take to Maracanã is. Sunday to see the final of the Copa America. Moro defended his impartiality by undermining the content of L & # 39; interception, alleging that he was hacked, a fact that the digital newspaper denies. As more and more newspapers share the information disclosed with the other sources mentioned in the messages, the minister's argument weakens.

In addition to Bolsonaro's efforts, Moro was also the subject of two Congressional hearings, one in the Senate on June 19 and last Tuesday in the Chamber of Deputies. The minister is counting on his supporters, who demonstrated last Sunday in several cities, to counter-attack the charges against him. However, the investigation team of the operation Wash jato he continues his research, which today has less notoriety in newspapers than in the early years.

Deny the magazine VejaMoro has published a long press release in which he rejects the story point by point. For example, Zavasckian magistrate hid evidence from the case of David Barra, who reportedly informed the Supreme Court of the alleged dialogue about prosecutor Ribeiro Costa and Commissioner Erika Marena on September 17, 2015, well before the date quoted in the report (23 October 2015). "There is no evidence that testifies to the authenticity of the alleged messages or the fact that the judge at the time was aware of the existence of the aforementioned spreadsheet more 30 days before, "he said.

The task of defending oneself and the opposite that supposes the filtrations for the image of the operation Wash jato it is a blow to justice and Brazil, after the country was mistaken in thinking that prisons were no longer reserved for the poor, but that white and wealthy businessmen appeared also handcuffed in front of television cameras. L & # 39; operation Wash jato he responded to the waiting, but he left huge gaps that leave his questioning. In a letter to the reader, the magazine Veja, one of the biggest advocates of Wash jato In the past, he says that he continues to support the operation in the present. However, "we will never be condescending when legal borders are crossed (even to fight crime), otherwise we would also be in favor of death squads and self-defense groups".


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