New strain of coronavirus | Conrado Estol: “It is likely that he is already in the country”


The new strain of coronavirus originating in the United Kingdom is causing great concern in the scientific field since, according to the latest studies in the matter, It is 70% more transmissible than the original strain, although a change in its virulence has not yet been verified.

In this context, the RePerfilAr contacted Conrado Estol, a neurologist, who assured that this new variable is already present in the country, spoke about the characteristics of the new strain, the vaccines that could reach the country, the possible second wave and the role of the government in the pandemic.

Regarding the new strain of coronavirus and its existence in the country, Estol assured: “Surely this new variant is already in Argentina, it is a question of looking for it. Ditto in the United States and in several European countries, if there are flights, it will happen “.

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“This new strain is much more transmissible but It has not yet been ruled out that this is just a contagious epidemic, again you have to wait a few days to find out if this mutation is sicker than before“Estol said of the new strain, who then went on to add:” Another worrying factor is whether vaccines are still effective, the creator of the Pfizer vaccine said tests are underway relevant but said he was sure of the same is still effective“.

On the increase in cases in the country facing the holidays, the specialist assured: “Looking at people’s behavior, we would take for granted a second wave. One should emulate the attitude of Japan, they have tested little and have had fewer deaths in the pandemic so far than the United States in a single day. We must review the regulations that allow meetings of up to 200 people in the province of Buenos Aires ”.

Then the neurologist referred to the US CDC report which excludes surface contagion: “Quickly, they started publishing works that refute surface contagion, this is nothing new.. Contagions are mainly caused by spraying ”.

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“Although today we are vaccinating, the effect is observed several months later, the best care is the jugular and social distance Estol spoke about the strategy to fight the virus, then spoke about the different vaccines that will land in the country: “If the ANMAT approves the Russian vaccine, it is because it is a good vaccineNegotiations should also be initiated with Pfizer, Moderna and all possible laboratories ”.

Finally, the specialist spoke of the role of government in the pandemic: “The government knows what it must do and it will do it. There is a lack of professional campaigns to convey confidence which can increase the number of people who want to be vaccinated. You also need to make thousands of posters that remind you of the precautionary measures. In addition, increase the number of tests“.


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