New Study Reveals Macabre Theory on Origin of Covid | the Chronicle


A new study on the rise of coronavirus lays a strong accusation against Chinese scientists, whom he accuses of having created the Covid in a laboratory and then try to hide the traces to make believe that their appearance corresponded to a natural phenomenon.

British professor Angus Dalgleish and the Norwegian scientist Birger Sørensen were the authors of this research, who pointed out that there is “Rettroengineering trials in China” that were ignored.

According to the article consulted by the British newspaper Daily Mail and which will be published in the coming days, he is accused of “destruction, concealment or willful contamination of data” to Chinese labs, finding out by testing COVID-19 samples last year in an attempt to create a vaccine, “unique fingerprints of the virus” this could only result from manipulation in a laboratory.

Sørensen chairs the pharmaceutical company Immunor, which has developed a vaccine against the coronavirus called Biovacc-19, while Dalgleish is part of the advancement of the first anti-HIV drug, giving them a deep understanding of the subject.

In this regard, the researchers assured that they had tried to publish their results, but that they had been rejected by the main scientific journals because, as they denounced, “At that time, they were determined to say that the virus naturally passed from bats or other animals to humans.”.

The publication will have 22 pages, in which they describe their “forensic analysis” for months in which experiments conducted in the Wuhan laboratory between 2002 and 2019 were examined.

In this sense, Dalgleish and Sørensen reconstructed how Chinese scientists would have built the tools to create Covid-19, focusing on investigating the “gain of function”, which involves modifying natural viruses to make them more infectious, so that they can replicate in human cells in the laboratory, which makes it possible to study and better understand the potential effect of the virus in humans.

As researchers understand, on this “gain of function”, they took a “spine” of a natural coronavirus found in Chinese cave bats and spliced ​​a new “Pico”, making it the deadly and highly transmissible SARS-Cov-2.

“A natural viral pandemic is expected to gradually mutate and become more infectious but less pathogenic, which many expected with the Covid-19 pandemic, but which does not appear to have occurred.”they explained.

For their part, the researchers pointed out that once the episode happened “Retrodiseñaron” virus, giving the impression that it had evolved naturally, because “They changed it to make it look like it was in a streak from years ago“.

In this sense, Sørensen believes that the virus escaped from the less secure areas of the institute, where he believes that the investigation into “Function gain”, although he regrets that “large gaps in the data” were also noted, which complicates “complete the investigation”, while emphasizing the need to “continue to investigate”.


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