New summit on climate change | Chronic


Two million displaced people, $ 49,000 million in casualties, 1,600 deaths in forest fires and increased hunger caused by drought are among the consequences denounced in the report on "The state of the world". of the 2018 climate "published yesterday by the United Nations, and by which its Secretary General, Antonio Guterres, called for a new climate summit for 23 September.

"The socio-economic impact of climate change accelerates"", according to the report presented by the UN through the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), in which it is noted that record levels of greenhouse gases in the United States, atmosphere carry "the temperatures of the planet to increasingly dangerous levels"

The results of this study led Guterres to convene a new Climate Summit and to claim, in New York, "to the leaders"What"do not come with speeches. Come with plans. "

The report on the state of the climate highlights the record increase in sea level and temperatures "Exceptionally high in land and oceans over the past four years, which is the maximum levels of greenhouse gases".

"Climatology has provided compelling evidence of increasing global temperature and circumstances such as sea level rise, sea ice reduction, glacier retreat and heat waves.""he said Petteri TaalasSecretary-General of WMO during the presentation of the report.

Cyclone Idai is one of the worst weather disasters in African history. I call on the international community to fund urgent appeals quickly and fully, so that @A Aid agencies and partners can urgently step up their interventions.

– António Guterres (@antonioguterres)
March 26, 2019

And he recalled that these conditions continued during the first months of 2019 with cyclone Idai "This has caused devastating floods and loss of life in Mozambique, Zimbabwe and Malawi, and Idai's victims embody the reasons why we need a global agenda."

In addition, "Europe also recorded record temperatures, while an unusual cold in North America and heatwaves hit Australia, as well as the Arctic ice sheets and the Arctic. from Antarctica have approached their lowest records ". Guterres insisted to the leaders gathered in New York that "these evidences show the need to act quickly and to do it with concrete measures ".

The international leader proposes to stop subsidizing fossil fuels, responsible for the emission of greenhouse gases, and investing in renewable energy, among other ideas. "In the years to come, you will see a huge investment in infrastructure around the world. We must ensure that it is sustainable and climate-friendlyhe claimed.

Among the effects caused by climate change in 2018, the UN report mentions that "Most of the natural hazards that affected nearly 62 million people were badociated with extreme weather events. " According to information collected by the Organization of Agriculture and Food (FAO), "the exposure of the agricultural sector to extreme weather events threatens to reverse progress made in the fight against malnutrition. "


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