New theory on the flight MH37, the biggest mystery of aviation


On the night of March 8, 2014, the flight MH370 what was happening Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, in Beijing, China, disappeared from radar with 239 people on board. Despite intensive research in the Indian Ocean, the remains of the Boeing 777 Malaysia Airlines they have never been found only a few pieces, referring to this tragedy the greatest mystery of civil aviation.

In July 2018, the international investigation team released its final report indicating that it had not been able to establish the true cause of the accident. Today, only one country in the world is still studying: France. And according to information from the newspaper Le Parisien, the survey has taken a step further.

The judges and investigators from the Air Force Constabulary Investigation Section (SR GTA) traveled to the United States from May 22-24 at Boeing Headquarters in Seattle. A visit that had been postponed several times, the aerospace giant showing little interest in cooperation. Indeed, the French team had to sign a confidentiality agreement.

The suicide trail is most likely

With this new data, it was confirmed that someone was flying the plane until it crushed. And although, according to Marie Dosé, a lawyer of a member of the family of victims, "the judges told us that there is nothing to say that the pilot is involved", in circles very close to the investigations , we consider that the commander's suicide theory is most likely.

"Some of the abnormal turns the 777 has made can only have been made manually, so someone was responsible, "said a close source," This important fact raises the question of a voluntary accident. "It is too early to say it categorically, but there is no evidence that anyone could have entered the badpit," says a researcher.

The profile ofl driver Zaharie Ahmad Shah, 53, has been closely examined. On the one hand, I was experienced, father of three and marriedso he does not seem to have a suicidal profile. On the other hand, he was a resolute political opponent of the current government. The day before the disappearance of the MH370, he had planned to attend the trial of Anwar Ibrahim, the main leader of the center-left opposition in Malaysia.

But it can not be said that he sought revenge for the power in place. "It's very complex and intimate, the causes of suicide," confesses a source. In its final report, the Malaysian authorities appeared to exonerate the pilot: "Unsurprisingly, Malaysia has no interest in criminalizing the national airline."

Terrorism rejected

Police investigated the trace of a terrorist action by Uyghur or Tamil groups, but found no evidence of their involvement. It also eliminated a priori the idea of ​​legal action against engineers from the American company Freescale, who were on board.

In addition, the presence of a Malaysian aeronautical engineer sitting near the satellite system of the aircraft attracted attention and suggested a hijacking of aircraft, but this badumption was finally dismissed, as was the possibility of a remote hacking.

There are still many unclear points, says the French engineer Ghyslain Wattrelos, who lost his wife and two of his children in the tragedy: there are several lists of contradictory pbadengers, a mysterious load of 89 kg was added to the list of flights after takeoff. , a container has been overloaded …

In any case, researchers now have a lot of information in their hands, including satellite data from the aircraft. As for the planned meeting with the FBI agents, it did not take place, but could happen soon in France.


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