New threat from China to Taiwan: 56 military planes entered the island’s airspace


Two Chinese SU-30 fighter jets take off from an unspecified location to overfly the South China Sea (Photo: AP)
Two Chinese SU-30 fighter jets take off from an unspecified location to overfly the South China Sea (Photo: AP)

The Taiwanese government on Monday denounced the incursion of 56 Chinese military planes into its airspace, a daily record that comes after Taipei has counted nearly a hundred raids.

The Taiwanese Defense Ministry reported the presence of Chinese planes in the southwest of the Taiwan Air Defense Identification Zone. Among them were 34 J-16 fighters, 12 H-6 bombers, two Su-30 fighters, two Yun-8 transport planes and two KJ-500 radar planes. In the afternoon, four other J-16 fighters were detected.

Taiwanese forces issued radio warnings and the anti-aircraft system was activated to monitor these incursions, the Taiwan Defense Ministry said.

This massive raid comes after Sunday the United States will condemn the “provocations” that these military incursions involve and warn you that these entries could cause “calculation errors”. “We urge Beijing to end its military, diplomatic and economic pressure and coercion against Taiwan,” the US State Department spokesman said, Ned Prize.

“I am sure that if China attacks Taiwan, it will suffer greatly.”Taiwan’s Foreign Minister said on Monday, Joseph wu, in statements on Australian television ABC. “We would like to exchange security and defense information with like-minded partners, including Australia, so that Taiwan is better prepared to face the war situation, “he added.

For its part, The Chinese regime on Monday warned Washington to stop supporting “Taiwan separatists”. The spokesperson for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Hua ChunyingHe recalled that the United States “must adhere strictly to the principle of one China, respect three Sino-American joint statements and treat Taiwan-related issues with caution.”

“It is necessary that the United States stop supporting the separatist forces demonstrating in favor of Taiwan independence and take concrete steps to safeguard peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait., he stressed.

Exhibition flights on the anniversary of the proclamation of the People's Republic of China (Photo: EFE)
Exhibition flights on the anniversary of the proclamation of the People’s Republic of China (Photo: EFE)

In response to this interference, China will take all necessary measures to prevent any plans for Taiwan independence. “China’s determination and will to uphold national sovereignty and territorial integrity are steadfast,” Hua Chunying said.

The Chinese regime issued a stern statement on Thursday denouncing the Taiwanese foreign minister’s international efforts, Joseph wu, to approve the independence of the island as “Complainant acts” and “not much more important than the buzzing of flies”, according to the portal Taipei Hours.

Since Xi Jinping took command of the Asian giant in 2012, Chinese military planes have stormed almost daily in this air defense zone. Last Friday, as part of the Chinese National Day, 38 military planes entered the area. On Saturday, 39 planes entered Taiwanese airspace.

In 2020, 380 aircraft Chinese air forces have been detected in ADIZ. Since the beginning of the year, there are already more than 600.

On September 24, Taiwan reported that 24 Chinese fighter jets had carried out small sorties. after applying to join the Progressive and Comprehensive Agreement for the Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP), something Beijing opposes “categorically”.

remember that China considers the island to be part of its territory although it has been ruled by independent authorities since 1949.

Chinese H-6 bomber in Taiwan airspace
Chinese H-6 bomber in Taiwan airspace

Taiwan is considered a sovereign territory with its own government and political system under the name of the Republic of China since the end of the civil war between nationalists and communists in 1949, But Beijing maintains it is a rebellious province and insists it return to what it calls a common homeland.

Taiwan is also one of the main causes of conflict between China and United States, mainly because Washington is the main supplier of weapons from Taiwan and would be your mayor military ally in the event of a possible war with China.

In 1979, after severing diplomatic relations with Taipei and establishing them with Beijing, the United States adopted the Taiwan Relations Act, in which it pledged to defend the island and provide military equipment, an engagement that generated much friction between the two powers.

(With information from Europa Press and EFE)

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