New US support for Argentina: "You have to have patience"


United States He again showed his support to Argentina. He did it by his Ambbadador to Buenos Aires, Edward Prado, who pointed out that Washington believed in the "potential of Argentina" and that it should be patience to see the results.

"The United States Government supports Argentina because it is the right way", pointed out the North American chief diplomat.

"Although the current problems are inflation, country risk and interest rate, (Mauricio Macri's government) works long term"

And he added that economic reforms take time. "Argentina is going through a difficult period but we see that the long-term economy will be better"

He raised to talk this afternoon at the AmCham Summit, an event focused on corruption and transparency and by which seeks to contribute ideas about for the period 2020-2024, which will cover the turn of the next government.

"With the fiscal balance, Argentina has been reducing the vulnerability of its economy for 70 years, "said Prado.

After highlighting the efforts of the Macri administration to achieve a balance of public accounts, the US ambbadador argued that both nations they live "the best moment in decades" in terms of bilateral relations.

In this sense, Prado pointed out that "In difficult times, it's when you really know what his friends are"and clarified that the United States had chosen Argentina as a "preferential partner" because they believed in the "economic potential of the country".

Alejandro Díaz, CEO of the United States Chamber of Commerce in Argentina (AmCham), which brings together 615 companies and more than 200 industrial sites across the country, emphasized at the opening in the country, there is a "complex environment that requires structural changes by consensus".

The companies that make up AmCham contribute 39% of the revenue, are responsible for 23.4% of exports and 19.3% of imports and explain 19.2% of the gross domestic product.

Díaz emphasized the need to tackle the problems of agenda that will mark the course of Argentina for the next four years, among them he mentioned the modernization of the state, making progress towards greater tax equity, poverty reduction mechanisms and the integrating role of education.

All this in the context of the fight against corruption, in favor of ethics and transparency in the way of doing business. During the event The AmCham Business Ethics & Transparency Institute was also presented, which will deepen patterns of behavior in business relations with the public sector and society.


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