New US support for the government's economic policies | Chronic


The ambbadador of the United States in Buenos Aires, Edward Prado, badured Wednesday that Washington believed in the "potential of Argentina" and stressed that it is necessary to have patience to see the results. "The US government supports Argentina because it's the right way", he said.

"Although the current problems are inflation, country risk and the long-term interest rate, (the government of Mauricio Macri) works long term ", have noticed. In addition, the ambbadador said that "economic reforms take time. Argentina is going through a difficult period, but we can see that the economy will be better in the long term ".

Prado is expressed in this way by exposing the AmCham Summit, an event focused on corruption and transparency, and seeking to bring ideas to the next government. "Thanks to the budget balance, Argentina reduces the vulnerability of its economy for 70 years", Prado pointed out and stressed that the two nations go through "the best moment in years" in terms of bilateral relations.

The Minister of Production and Labor also participated, Dante Sica, who reiterated the need to deal with labor reform. "DWe should sit down with businessmen, unions, and the government to discuss and move forward with these regulatory changes every two or three months to allow for a more modern framework. "he said. He also estimated that the strike triggered by the CGT May 29 "it is not opportune. "


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