New variant of coronavirus appears in UK, cases in boys soar


he coronavirus it’s complicated in London and infections in schools are starting to 10 year olds “Before the appearance of a new variant of the Covid virus, ”according to Health Secretary Matt Hancock. London, Greater London, South and East Essex and South Hertforshire go on high alert o Level 3 Wednesday.

A ‘new variant’ of the coronavirus has been identified in the UK, ‘which is believed to be causing faster spread in the southeast, ”Health Secretary Matt Hancock said.

“Its spread is increasing faster than the existing variant, with more than a thousand cases,” Hancock assured the House of Commons this afternoon.

The new variant has been reported in 60 regions by local authorities. It is believed to be similar to that found in other countries in recent months.

Hancock told MPs that at present “there is no evidence” that this variant is more likely to cause severe symptoms. He added that it is highly unlikely that he will not respond to a vaccine.

Online schools

The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, is calling for the early closure of schools to save Christmas.  Photo: Bloomberg

The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, is calling for an early closure of schools to save Christmas. Photo: Bloomberg

When the Mayor of London Sadiq Khan demanded the early closure of schools to save Christmas, the government decided to bring back the British capital at the highest level restrictions in the face of the pandemic.

Health Secretary Matt Hancock informed parliamentarians in London that the measure would take effect Wednesday morning at 12:01 am The rise in cases has forced the British government to advance the announcement of the measures, before its review Wednesday. Parliamentarians were told cases were doubling every seven days in the British capital.

London and parts of Essex and Hertfordshire will move into the third quarter, the highest level of coronavirus restrictions, next Wednesday. Based on the level 3 measurements, people they shouldn’t meet socially indoors, in private gardens or in most public places outdoors with people they don’t live with or are not in a supportive bubble.

However, the “rule of six” will allow people from different households to continue to meet in small groups. outdoors in parks, public gardens, playgrounds or outdoor sports facilities.

Severe restrictions

Thousands of bars, pubs, cafes and restaurants To close in the capital and its surroundings after Tuesday evening, with the exception of take-out services, take-out meals and deliveries.

The increased restrictions also mean fans will likely be barred from football stadiums and other sporting venues again, and theaters will have to close their doors again.

Thousands of bars, pubs, cafes and restaurants close in and around the capital after Tuesday evening.  Photo: Bloomberg

Thousands of bars, pubs, cafes and restaurants close in and around the capital after Tuesday evening. Photo: Bloomberg

Parliamentarians in the London Assembly have been informed of the worsening COVID-19 situation in the capital. One of them said there was “a lot of frustration” with no real answers to their questions.

It’s “the same grim outlook as last week’s meeting except for all the data they are even worsethey’re almost back to pre-foreclosure levels, ”they said.

Christmas in danger?

Many lawmakers are wondering whether it is not necessary to revise the Christmas and New Years holidays with more restrictive measures to avoid an obvious third wave.

Downing St has insisted permits for a family Christmas are being kept socially distanced, despite the increase in cases.

“There are no plans to see them again. The public must remain cautious. We have made it clear that there should be limited bubble access for 6 people during the Christmas period, but it is important that the public respect the rulesSaid the Downing St.

Infectologists cry out for alarm when vaccination has started in the kingdom and can also be given by general practitioners. Christmas decor is the perfect environment for the virus multiply exponentially by social contact.

The boys are infected

Families began to worry about the school. Infections in 10 year old boys started. The Office of National Statistics shows that 1 in 50 students the school is infected. Twice as many as adults over 25.

The “lockdown” will have an influence on adults but not on children, who continue to go to school and are a source of contagion. There is no doubt that contagions occur in schools or through social interactions after class.

The problem is not the children, who usually get mildly ill, but rather the can distribute the Covid among the adults in your household and endangering the grandparents.

The consensus is that schools should close now so as not to infect before Christmas. The discussion is about how to continue educating without generating the problems caused by the first wave and the school closings.

Eight out of nine secondary schools in Essex now have distance education. At the same time, 17 elementary schools out of 48 in the district of Basildon in Essex.

“No school is closed, everyone offers full or partial distance education,” said a spokesperson for Essex County Council.

Islington, an intellectual district in north London, has announced it will close its schools from Tuesday and continue to teach online until January 11.

Paris, correspondent



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