New Year’s Eve in a pandemic: how to say goodbye to New Year’s Eve in the main cities of the world? | the Chronicle


The end of the year celebrations will no doubt be different in this 2020 marked by the coronavirus pandemic. The second wave hitting much of the planet has ruled out the possibility of a vacation closer to normal

Restrictions to prevent more infections are present in many countries and large buildings and symbols that are traditionally built-up places to say goodbye to one year and receive another, this time they will be turned off or with a limited operation.

One of the emblematic cases is that of Madison Square Garden, a space chosen by thousands of Americans and tourists to enjoy New Year’s Eve. This 2020 celebration will be virtual, through the site

Fences to “protect” the
Madison Square Garden.

Police will continue to protect Times Square because of its “iconic status”, but the number of officers will be reduced by 80% as very low attendance is expected, police said.

Coming to Times Square is a family tradition for some and a wish list for others, but this year is different.Said the NYPD patrol leader, Juanita holmes. “We can’t stop stressing that everyone should stay at home”, he assured.

The Eiffel Tower, closed until further notice

The reopening of Eiffel Tower, scheduled for December 16, has been postponed “until further notice“and the New Year’s festivities have been suspended. “Our visitors who have purchased tickets in advance for tours between December 16 and January 6, 2021 will be reimbursed“, they report.

The Eiffel Tower was closed on October 30 due to restrictions imposed to slow the spread of the second wave of covid-19 in France. It was scheduled to reopen on December 16, once the lockdown is lifted, but the government announced on Thursday that the lifting of the restrictions would be more gradual than expected.

Alert for the coronavirus in France.

Hit by the health crisis, attendance at the Eiffel Tower has fallen this year by around 80% compared to 2019 and its turnover by 70%.

For the coronavirus, “empty” party in Australia

Sydney will ban spectators from traditional New Year’s fireworks, as authorities try to contain an increase in cases in Australia’s most populous city.

“We have given up on plans to receive the public on the shores (of Sydney Harbor) to admire the fireworks”, announced the Prime Minister of the State of New South Wales, whose capital is Sydney, Gladys Berejiklian.

“We strongly recommend that the public watch the fireworks on television or from an outside location other than the promenade, which should not be crowded.”he added, quoted by the AFP news agency.

This year you should be watching one of the world’s most famous fireworks on TV

Hundreds of thousands of people gather every year on December 31 at night on the shores of Sydney Harbor to admire one of the world’s most famous fireworks displays.

Authorities had previously announced that large crowds would not be possible this year due to a relative increase in cases in the city. Instead, they hoped to enable the help of 5,000 people working on the frontlines in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic, to thank them for their efforts. But the project was abandoned due to the health risk.

Rio de Janeiro blocks access to beaches

The mayor of Rio de Janeiro announced that will block access to all its beaches next Thursday in order to avoid crowds of people saying goodbye to the year 2020 in the sand, at times when this brazilian city is experiencing a second wave of covid-19.

The most emblematic city in Brazil had already announced two weeks ago, before the outbreak of the pandemic, its decision to cancel all public events organized to say goodbye to the year, including its traditional celebration of “New Year’s Eve”, famous for the 20-minute fireworks display and for the musical concerts at different stages on Copacabana beach.

Rio de Janeiro will block access to its beaches.

Reveillon is the event that attracts the most tourists to Rio de Janeiro after Carnival and a year ago it gathered 2.9 million people on Copacabana Beach to say goodbye to 2019.

Checkpoints will be set up in the access streets to the beaches, it will prohibit traffic on the avenues that border the sands and limit the operating hours of public transport, including the metro, to prevent cariocas or tourists decide to go to the sands on the night of December 31st.

London cancels famous fireworks on the London Eye

At the height of the coronavirus pandemic, the london city hall confirmed the cancellation of the traditional fireworks which are launched every New Years Eve from London Eye to celebrate the arrival of new Year.

The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, explained that “We just can’t allow a large number of people to gather on New Years Eve“Yes, he added that “We are working to create something that people can enjoy in the comfort and safety of their living room through television.”

Iconic London Eye celebration canceled.


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