New York attorney general summons grand jury to consider possible indictment against Trump


Former US President Donald Trump
Former US President Donald Trump

The Attorney General of Manhattan (New York), Cyrus Vance, convened a grand jury to study a possible indictment related to the investigation against the business conglomerate of former President Donald Trump (2017-2021), according to American media.

The grand jury was recently convened and has a six-month term, during which it will meet three times a week, as detailed. The Washington Post, who released the exclusive.

The grand jury summons would appear to indicate, in the opinion of the Capital Newspaper, that the New York attorney’s investigation into Trump and his business conglomerate has reached a key point where he likely has evidence that incriminates him. former president or someone close.

Prosecutor Vance’s investigation is the longest and most disturbing of those Trump faces, as the former president’s business practices come under scrutiny before he comes to power.

Among other things, we know that Manhattan prosecutors are investigating whether the Trump organization manipulated its real estate portfolio to defraud banks and insurers and obtained illegal tax benefits.

Manhattan (New York), Attorney General Cyrus Vance
Manhattan (New York), Attorney General Cyrus Vance

In this line, The prosecution questioned employees at Deutsche Bank and insurance company Aon to determine details of $ 300 million in loans and other payments and Ladder Capital’s inquiries., which provided $ 100 million in loans to conglomerate Trump.

The Trump organization’s payments to some of its top executives are also under review, such as the tycoon’s own daughter, Ivanka Trump, who allegedly received undue pay as a consultant while on the payroll of the business.

Last week, New York State Attorney General, Democrat Letitia James, who had a civil case against the Trump conglomerate, announced her investigation was turning criminal and joining Manhattan’s.

“We have informed the Trump organization that our investigation into the organization is no longer of a purely civilian nature.”Attorney General’s office spokesperson Letitia James said in recent days.

“We are currently actively investigating the Trump organization in criminal matters, along with the Manhattan District Attorney.”.

The organization is the holding company for hundreds of Trump entities, from hotels to golf courses.

Trump, who left the White House in January, denies any wrongdoing and has previously called the investigation into his finances by Democrat Cyrus Vance, the Manhattan District Attorney, as “A continuation of the largest political witch hunt in our country’s history.”

The Trump Organization strengthened its legal team with the hiring in early April of seasoned criminal lawyer Ronald Fischetti, 84.

(With information from EFE)


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