New York has reached the age of 21 to buy "puchos" | Chronic


New York raised to 21 the age required to buy cigarettes, including electronic devices and sprays, through a law that promulgated the governor Andrew Cuomo and that will come into effect in the next 120 days.

"By raising the minimum age of smoking from 18 to 21 years, we can prevent cigarettes and electronic cigarettes from falling into the hands of young people first and preventing a generation of New Yorkers from developing potentially costly and deadly dependencies. " Cuomo said.

The law will come into force in 120 days.

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According to data from the American Cancer Society (ACS) cited by the ANSA agency, 95% of smokers started to consume tobacco before age 21.

Raise the minimum age to buy cigarettes, proposal that the ACS calls "Tobacco 21", was an important priority for the organization in New York.

Proud to have the support needed to raise the age to 21 to buy tobacco and anti-vaping products in the state of New York. Tobacco products cause cancer and smoking causes 1 in 5 deaths each year. Thank you @NYGovCuomo for signing this important law.

– David Carlucci (@DavidCarlucci)
July 16, 2019


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