New York lifted most restrictions due to coronavirus pandemic after reaching 70% of adult population vaccinated with a single dose


Times Square, Manhattan (Reuters)
Times Square, Manhattan (Reuters)

New York state lifted pandemic restrictions on Tuesday, after reaching the threshold of 70% of adults vaccinated with at least one doseGovernor Andrew Cuomo announced.

“Life is about prospering. Life is seeing people. Life is to love life, it is to celebrate. Life is enjoying life, it is interacting. And now we come alive againCuomo said during the announcement.

As confirmed, the measures are lifted “from today, with immediate effect”.

“We have reached 70% vaccination. This is the national target, and we have achieved it sooner than expected. What does 70% mean? It means we can get back to the life we ​​knowCuomo spoke about his condition, which was the first epicenter of the outbreak in the United States.


In the New York City, with more than 8 million inhabitants and which suffered one of the harshest attacks of the virus, the number of infections has dropped to just 500 cases per day and almost half of the population has already completed the vaccination schedule, whether it is one or two doses.

the President Joe Biden has set a target for 70% of adults to be vaccinated with at least one dose by July 4. Although a dozen states have reached this threshold, nationally the figure is around 64% and the vaccination campaign has slowed down sharply, with difficulties in convincing the most reluctant sectors. The daily average fell to just one million doses compared to over 3 million administered at the end of April.

Pfizer / BioNTech and Moderna Double Dose Vaccines and Johnson & Johnson Single Dose Vaccines are available in the United States for ages 16 and over. And for a month the authorities gave the green light to the administration of the Pfizer / BioNTech serum to adolescents between 12 and 15 years old.

Along with the advancement of the vaccination campaign, New York has lifted restrictions imposed last year to prevent the spread. In April, the city’s mayor, Bill de Blasio, announced that the metropolis would reopen completely on July 1.


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