New York prohibits the sale of electronic cigarettes with flavors | Society


The governor of New York State, Andrew Cuomo, announced Sunday the ban on electronic cigarettes with flavors, with the aim of "combating the increase in the consumption of steam products among youth". Cuomo, who issued a decree, also ordered the security forces to redouble efforts to stop the sale of these products to young people and minors. The minimum age for smoking in New York is 21 years old.

In addition, he argued that he would prepare new legislation to combat the "misleading advertising" of electronic cigarettes aimed at young people and children. "Manufacturers of sugary fruit and flavored electronic cigarettes are deliberately and recklessly targeting young people, and we are taking steps to stop them today." Meanwhile, unscrupulous stores are consciously selling steam products to old miners "said the governor.

Today 's announcement follows Friday' s launch of an educational program on steam treatment and the publication of another decree aimed at expanding school curricula and teaching. marketing campaigns to reduce tobacco use, including e-cigarettes and nicotine. liquid

According to New York State, while the smoking rate among high school students went from 27.1% in 2000 to a record low of 4.3% in 2016, aggressive marketing promoting With the flavor, this trend is changing. He warned that the Ministry of Health had received 56 reports of doctors reporting severe lung disease in patients aged 15 to 46 years.

About 40% of high school students and 27% of high school students in this state use electronic cigarettes. The state also points out that in 2018, 27.4% of high school students were using electronic cigarettes, or 160% more than in 2014, compared to 10.5%.

These actions coincide with a report released by the New York City Department of Health, which warns of the increasing consumption of electronic cigarettes in schools and that these sprays threaten to end decades. progress in the fight against cigarette consumption. Nicotine at the youngest.

According to the report, in 2018, 2.6% of 11- and 12-year-olds said they had smoked at least once in the 30 days prior to the survey. This percentage increases to 9% among Grade 7 students (ages 12-13) and 8.4% among Grade 8 students (ages 13-14).


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