New York: swingers club closed in Queens for 80-person sex party


Nail underground sex party was dissolved by a group of police in the district of Queens, New York, on the night of last Sunday. The reason for the interruption was based on the violation of the restrictions established due to second wave of coronavirus infections which passes through North American territory.

The establishment where the party took place is known as Caligula, an exclusive swinger club. On their Facebook page, they started promoting the event from Wednesday November 18. It was made on 22 november the night. Participated 80 people What they were dancing to loud music, they drank excess alcohol Yes they had sex. A few hours after the start of the celebration, a neighbor from the region lodged a complaint with the 311. Police forces arrived shortly after and raided the club.

Swinger party at Club Caligula in New York 2
The Caligula nightclub has been attacked by the Queens Borough of New York City Police Force.

The images taken by the same police officers schematize a space composed of four white beds, a black sofa, condoms thrown on the floor and stuck to the wall Yes large amounts of underwear.

The party, in principle, violated the rule that prevents large gatherings, with the objective fight the COVID-19 pandemic. Meetings of more than 25 people are only enabled for companies located in areas with fewer cases, also known as yellow areas. In turn, tnor did they have a license to sell alcohol and / or sell or store alcoholic beverages.

Swinger party at Club Caligula in New York 3
Condoms, underwear and garbage bags, items found throughout the establishment.

The riots were mainly responsible for Roy Bacoy (37), club director. He was quoted by disorder, violation of emergency measures and unlicensed operation of the sale of alcoholic beverages and illegal storage of alcohol. The company received a total fine of 16,000 USD.

Based on this event, law enforcement in the Borough of Queens were able to discover that the night establishment had hosted countless parties over the past few months. After the restrictions imposed, the first of the events took place on The 4th of July, American Independence Day. From then on, the festivities did not stop.

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