New York will collect entry fees and plans to raise $ 1 billion


"Tolls will finance the capital plan and we need to know what it is. We must first put the electronic infrastructure in charge to bill them and it will take about two years."he advanced Andrew Cuomo, governor of New York.

This measure is part of the approved state budget and provides for the imposition of a congestion charge in Manhattan, south of 60th Street.

According to the budget, the toll will be used to finance metropolitan public transport, one of the oldest and most used in the world.

"This has been waiting for a long time," Cuomo said, arguing for the idea of ​​imposing the tax debated for half a century.

A panel of experts will be responsible for approving a 2020-2024 capital plan and, by the end of next year, will determine prices and location. tolls, which should guarantee the necessary collection to finance these projects "with an amount of 15 billion US dollars" for bonds, said a cable from the agency EFE.

If the measure proves effective in terms of collecting and decongestion of traffic, it can become the starting point of other cities such as San Francisco, Los Angeles and Philadelphia – which are discussing similar measures – for put into practice.


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