New Zealand has declared war on backpackers …


The government of New Zealand pledged on Wednesday to take concrete action against backpackers defecating in the natural landscapes of the archipelago. New Zealanders have long complained about the behavior of foreign tourists who hitchhike into the country in cars or trucks without toilets.

In presenting the strategy to be adopted after the coronavirus pandemic, the Minister of Tourism Stuart Nash clarified that foreign tourists must adhere to their image of sustainable development “100% pure” of the country. “Winning on highways and waterways is not who we are as a nation,” he added.

Nash also said he plans to ban travelers from renting RVs without bathrooms. “My ambition is that once the borders open New Zealand will be considered by the most discerning travelers on the planet as one of the best places to visit,” he said.

Before the pandemic, tourism was one of the main sources of income for the country, which received around 4 million tourists per year.


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