New Zealand orders official investigation into massacre of mosques – 03/25/2019


The Prime Minister of New Zealand, Jacinda Ardern, ordered an independent judicial inquiry into the March 15 mbadacre in two mosques in the city of Christchurchwhich leaves a toll of 50 dead.

The New Zealand government chief pointed out that a real commission – the most powerful judicial mechanism before the country's legislation – was needed to know how an armed man could kill half a hundred people when he died. an attack that has upset the world.

"It is important that nothing is overlooked to understand how this terrorist act happened and how we could have prevented it"Ardern told reporters that police and intelligence services could be part of the investigation.

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New Zealand's intelligence services were sharply criticized after the mbadacre, as they seemed to have focused solely on Islamic extremism, without perceiving the risks posed by right-wing supremacists.

"One question to answer is whether we could have known more" about the risk represented by the supremacist groups, said Ardern.

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"New Zealand is not a permanent surveillance zone, but there are questions to be answered," he said.

Ardern ruled out the possibility that New Zealand would reinstate the death penalty in the case of the 28-year-old Australian extremist Brenton Tarrant, who was arrested shortly after the mbadacre at the two mosques in Christchurch.

Source: AFP


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