Nicaragua: Berenice Quezada, opposition vice-presidential candidate, arrested | She was disqualified from the November 7 elections


The opposition Citizens for Freedom Alliance (CxL) denounced that its candidate for vice-presidency of Nicaragua, Berenice Quezada, he was illegally detained at your home by the police. The prosecution reported on Wednesday that the 27-year-old former Miss Nicaragua was disqualified from the November 7 elections on charges of “inciting hatred and violence”. amid a wave of arrests of opponents by the government of Daniel Ortega, which is seeking re-election.

Tuesday night Quezada “was informed by the judicial authorities and the public prosecutor that from that point on she remained in house arrest without access to telephone communications and with immigration restrictions”., protested the CxL right on his Twitter account. The group said its candidate was also told that she was “banned from running for public office in popular election” and that He should stay at home, in the capital Managua, in police custody.

Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) repudiates Quezada’s continuation and demanded “that the State of Nicaragua immediately release those arbitrarily detained and restore guarantees for the full enjoyment of the civil and political rights of Nicaraguans”.

On the other hand the Nicaraguan Public Ministry said in a statement: “Charges have been filed against Berenice Xuyamy Quezada Herrera for committing acts that promote and incite hatred and violence, acts which fall under the criminal category of provocation, proposing and conspiring to commit terrorist acts ”.

On Monday, Quezada demanded the release of “political prisoners” calling on the people to vote “as they did in the streets” during the 2018 anti-government protests., whose repression left at least 328 dead and 2,000 wounded according to human rights organizations. “We have to show in the November 7 elections that Nicaragua does not want them in the country,” said the young model, referring to the government that Ortega has chaired since 2007.

Quezada was registered the same day before the electoral court as running mate of presidential candidate Oscar Sobalvarro, a veteran of the now defunct counterrevolution that the United States funded in the 1980s against President Ortega’s Sandinista revolution. 31 other opponents, including seven presidential candidates, have been jailed since June for “treason”.


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