Nicaragua called on its ambassador to Argentina to consult to criticize Alberto Fernández’s government


This was expressed by the Vice-President of Nicaragua, Rosario Murillo, who indicated that the administration of Daniel Ortega “called for consultations with the ambassadors in Argentina, Orlando Gómez; in Colombia, Yara Pérez; in Mexico, Juan Carlos Gutiérrez; and in Costa Rica, Duilio Hernández, in reciprocity to similar calls from the aforementioned governments, ”according to the AFP agency.

Murillo denounced the “constant and undeserved accusations, disrespectful, intrusive, intrusive and interventionist in our internal affairs on the part of the highest authorities of each of these countries”.

And this is how he expressed his “categorical” rejection of what he described as a “caricatural imitation” of those who “have assumed functions that no one has entrusted to them.”

At the end of June, the Argentine government reiterated before the United Nations (UN) its “concern” about the “situation” of human rights in Nicaragua, in particular about the “arrests of political figures of the opposition. “, which is why he asked that this measure be” reviewed by the Nicaraguan authorities “.

Likewise, a few days ago, President Fernández reproduced on social media a warning from former Brazilian President Lula da Silva regarding the decisions of the Ortega government to imprison opposition candidates. “Each time a leader begins to believe he is irreplaceable, each time a leader begins to believe he is essential, a little dictatorship arises in this country,” said Lula.

Argentina and Mexico have displayed a common position on the situation in Nicaragua and, on June 15, they expressed their common “concern” at the events in that country and, above all, at “the arrest of personalities. opposition policies ”, the review of which would help ensure that the November presidential elections receive“ appropriate international recognition ”.

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