Nicaragua: The ex-military and brother of Ortega asks for his resignation



The retired former Nicaraguan army chief and general Humberto Ortega invited his brother, the current president, Daniel Ortega to hold early elections in 2019.

The ex-soldier sent Wednesday a letter to the dialogue table in which, in addition to this request, he urged the government to "turn off" the groups vigilant in order to pacify the country, which has fallen into a spiral of violence since last April

He also asked the opposition to lift the traffic jams that paralyze some of the local and international transport.

"All Nicaraguans want a peaceful solution to the tragic crisis we are suffering, and President Daniel Ortega, in advancing the constitutional presidential elections for next year, says yes to peace," wrote the founder of the Sandinista People's Army After the overthrow of the dictatorship of Somoza

Humberto Ortega – who left the army in the mid-90s and made a career in business – criticized the fact that his brother had more and more power person

Daniel Ortega, 72 years old, remained silent in front of a proposal from the Catholic hierarchy, mediator in the dialogue, to anticipate the elections of 2021 to March 2019 and did not respond to the proposal made by the Secretary General of the OAS, Luis Almagro, advocating elections between March and August 2019.

Since the beginning of the crisis in the p Ays and the bloody repression of the opponents that has caused more than 250 deaths and some 1500 wounded, many voices have called for the resignation of the president. One of them is the former president Enrique Bolaños, who ruled from 2002 to 2006.

"I say to Daniel Ortega: Waiver, if you are a true patriot, you resign and this country will thank you "He said in an interview with the AP."

"Daniel, you have had enough time to command," he added. "This city is suffering because of the repression you ordered. You are old now, retire, I apologize for the mistakes you made and enjoy your grandchildren; and leave the country alone, "added the former governor of 90.

Tuesday, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) set up the Interdisciplinary Group of Independent experts for Nicaragua who will investigate six months of acts of violence and deaths since April, when social protests began

You may be interested: The Human Chain Originally Calls Out Ortega

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