Nicaragua violates the Democratic Charter by rejecting the OAS commission, says the opposition | L & # 39; UNIVERSAL


The Nicaraguan government has violated the Inter-American Democratic Charter by refusing today the entry of the commission of the Organization of American States (OAS) to promote dialogue in the face of the local crisis, reported Saturday. The Civic Opposition Alliance for Justice and Democracy. .

Nicaragua has banned the entry of seven diplomats seeking to promote a dialogue with the government in the face of the crisis, among which the US ambbadador to the OAS, Carlos Trujillo, and Gonzalo Koncke, chief of staff from the secretary general of the agency, Luis Almagro, said a document consulted by Efe.

"This rejection reaffirms not only the violation of the Democratic Charter of which Nicaragua is a member and the OAS General Assembly's declaration in Medellin, but also implies that the regime continues to close its mediation options for the resolution of the conflict ". the Alliance said in a statement.

The Nicaraguan opposition accuses President Daniel Ortega of the death, disappearance and arrest of hundreds of people, as well as the exile of tens of thousands of people since the outbreak of the war against him in April 2018 .

The OAS General Assembly sent a dialogue to the Government of Ortega and the Civic Alliance last June for a peaceful exit from the crisis and ordered the agency to create a commission to relaunch the negotiations. , on the basis of which this group must submit a report. of the case in November.

"The government's refusal to prohibit entry to the (OAS) mission is in keeping with the police state's policy followed by the regime, which includes the rejection of all forms of bridge building with the international community and the opposition. Nicaragua, "added the Alliance.

In addition to the rejection of Trujillo and Koncke, the Nicaraguan Government has done the same with the Under Secretary of American Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Argentina, Leopoldo Francisco Sahores, and the representative of Panama at the same time. OAS, Elisa Ruiz Díaz, members of the Commission. .

The other dismissed members of the panel were Sébastien Sigouin, Chief of Central America at the Department of Foreign Affairs of Canada, Audrey Marks, Ambbadador to the OAS of Jamaica and a press officer from the 39, OAS.

The Civic Alliance, the only opposition group recognized by the international community as an interlocutor of Ortega in the negotiations, reiterated its willingness to resolve the crisis by peaceful means and accused the Sandinista government of "undemocratic nature".

The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) reports that the Government of Nicaragua is responsible for crimes "against humanity" in the context of the crisis, which has left at least 328 dead, according to its statistics .

A process of implementation of the Inter-American Democratic Charter remains open for Nicaragua because of its "violation of the constitutional order" and, if it is executed, suspends the country of the agency .


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