Nicolás del Caño: the fence will include the presentation of a book


Nicolás del Caño Source: Archive – Credit: Rodrigo Néspolo

The FIT unit will hold an event on Plaza del Congreso

An act. A book. The return of a historical reference. These will be the last FIT-Unity campaign moves, before Sunday's next STEP. With these factors,
the left will seek to strengthen before the electoral race. The focus of his speech will be the economy, the working conditions of young people and the "affirmation of unity" that the left has achieved.

This Wednesday at 6 pm, the FIT unit will hold its closing ceremony on Plaza del Congreso. It will be a joint act that will feature personalities from the different parties that make up the FIT-Unity: the Socialist Workers Party (PTS), to which the presidential candidate Nicolás del Caño belongs; the Partido Obrero (PO), whose main characters are Romina del Plá and Néstor Pitrola; The Socialist Left (SI) and the Socialist Workers' Movement (MST), led by national candidate Celeste Fierro, who also has references such as Alejandro Bodart and Vilma Ripoll. The scene of the event will be held in the same location as the December 2017 incidents occurred as a result of Congressional pension reform discussions.

"There is a clear operation to make the public believe that in PASO there are only two options: we will impose the vote on the Left Front, which has achieved the largest unit of space forces ever since. 1983. We ask the electorate that it does not have to be defined by a hypothesis of lesser evil.With the strengthening of FIT-Unity, we will be better able to fight against what will happen, "they said. explained during the campaign of the Left Front. Another factor that seeks to strengthen the unity achieved by the left in these elections is the return to its ranks of Jorge Altamira and Marcelo Ramal, historical references of the OP. At the beginning of last month, the leftist unit was about to crack when Altamira and Ramal left FIT to create their own party. This decision involved a dispute with other referents from their home. Today, these days of confrontation are left behind. Last Saturday, Altamira and Ramal held an act at UBA's Faculty of Social Sciences to support the FIT unit's formula. Another element that seeks to strengthen the closure of the campaign is the book
Rebel or precarious. Life and future of youth in the IMF era, that Nicolás del Caño wrote and arrived in bookstores at the end of last month. The left did not escape the rule of this campaign, which proliferated the books of candidates and politicians from different areas. Edited by Grupo Planeta, Del Caño's book is an "X-ray of how millions of young people work and live in Argentina and the world". It mainly targets work in companies such as Rappi and Glovo, which, according to the book, "precarious" youth.



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