Nicolás Dujovne, after the new rise of the dollar: "The worst of the crisis is over"


After the sofocón that meant the rise of the dollar in the last days of March, the value of the currency amounted to 44 dollars, confirmed the minister of the Economy, Nicolás Dujovne, to Two votes What "the worst of the crisis is over".

In a year that will be marked by elections, the official stressed that it was necessary to give "a discussion about the future or the pastWhat economy do Argentines want for a long time? "We must not lose sight of where we are going and what are the mistakes that we must not commit anymore," he insisted.

With optimism, the minister noted that "the worst of the crisis was behind", while acknowledging that the country "was struggling to live with a floating exchange rate". While the dollar price, which closed Wednesday at 43.83 for the sale, indicates that it is "a competitive exchange rate"

"We went through different times. Some are better, others very difficult. The year 2016 was complicated as we began to take steps to normalize the economy. We were facing a very serious crisis, "he said of Mauricio Macri's management, who explained that" in 2017, the economy has come a long way and is approaching the one that we wish for the next years ".

"High rates will last as long as inflation is high, and when inflation goes down, the interest rate will be lower," he said. TN. Dujovne admitted that "inflation is very high". "A lot of the imbalances of the past have been corrected, we came from a fragile economy."

Asked about the political scenario of the October elections and the possible competitors of Macri, he badyzed: "Roberto Lavagna has more similarities with the Kicillof system than ours. "But he also stressed the leader of the Renovador Front:" Sergio Mbada was part of a large part of the Kirchner government and it has generated inflation that today, it costs us so much to go down. "

In the same vein, when he had to talk about Cristina Kirchner, he said: "There is a group of Argentine society that supports the policies of the former president. end like Venezuela. We missed seeing this part because thank God the Argentineans wanted to change and I think they do not want to come back to it. "

The economic crisis has caused the latest poverty index to produce alarming results. "We came back to the match point in terms of numbers, which is very high ", said in relation to the 32% achieved in 2018. Although he stressed that "when we add the component of access to drinking water or sewers, infant mortality decreases. ". "We must encourage ourselves to continue to change," he concluded.


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