Nicolás Dujovne warned that the financial environment is "unstable" and met with the IMF N ° – 04/13/2019


The International Monetary Fund once again supported the "Important progress"From Argentina's economic program, at a meeting this Saturday between Finance and Finance Minister Nicolas Dujovne, and the number two body, David Lipton.But the Argentine Minister acknowledges that despite the reforms, the financial context remains ".unstable. "

The meeting with Lipton took place shortly after noon in the office of the manager, located on the 7th floor of the building located on Pennsylvania Avenue, which today is full of ministers from around the world. IMF and World Bank Spring Assembly in Washington.

According to a spokesman for the Fund, Dujovne and Lipton exchanged views on the "Important progress has been made by Argentine authorities to reduce macroeconomic vulnerabilities" from the country.

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At the meeting, which lasted about half an hour, Mr. Lipton "reiterated the IMF's support for the government's stabilization plan, the current efforts to achieve a zero balance in 2019 and the strong commitment of the authorities to protect the more vulnerable by expanding the social safety net, "added the spokesman.

During the Assembly, Fund officials have repeatedly praised the government's efforts to restore macroeconomic imbalances. The executive director herself, Christine Lagarde, said on Wednesday that "The program really works" and that it "would be foolish for any candidate (the October elections) to turn their backs on the work in progress".

But the minister himself, Dujovne, in a document leaked yesterday, acknowledges that despite the reforms, the Argentinian financial environment remains volatile. The Minister has signed a report of the International Monetary and Financial Committee representing Argentina, as well as Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay.

In the Argentine chapter, he wrote that "The program gives positive results" and pointed to the rebound in the stock market, the increase in central bank reserves, the reduction of the trade deficit and the achievement of monetary and fiscal objectives, with the protection of social spending.

However, I add that "Despite these achievements, the financial environment remains unstableespecially after inflation – driven by inertia; some recovery of production margins; the standardization of service tariffs and the rise in food prices rose in January and February, although they remain lower than the rates in the second half of last year. "

Dujovne also met yesterdayon the Minister of the Economy of Brazil, Paulo Guedes, approximately 25 minutes and badyzed together the state of negotiations between the European Union and Mercosur. Always with the Minister of Finance of Luxembourg, Pierre Gramegna, with which he signed an agreement to avoid double taxation.

Before leaving for Buenos Aires, Dujovne will participate this Sunday with Lagarde to a panel on infrastructure.


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