Nicolás Dujovne's assets grew by 80% in one year and 67% remain abroad


The badets of Finance Minister Nicolás Dujovne have increased 80 percent in 2018, as shown in the affidavit presented by the official to the Office of the Fight against Corruption. Much of this increase is due to the fact that their investments abroad have been rebadessed, measured in pesos, for the depreciation of the currency of last year. he 67 percent of its badets are invested outside the country.

The Minister's statement contrasts with what he announced on July 3, 2018 when he appeared before the Bicameral Commission for Monitoring and Control of the Leasing and Payment of the Congressional External Debt . That day, he said he repatriated his liquid badets.

"Some time ago, I said that the funds abroad were invested in Argentine badets, which is equivalent to Argentine bonds abroad, but given the questions I received from the company, this explanation does not seem to be enough and it must end with this discussion.In 2017, I brought part of my badets abroad, which I will see in my statement of badets which will be distributed, I think, to the end of July by the Anti-Corruption Bureau, "said Dujovne a year and a month ago. .

At that time, he added that "in the first part of this year"in 2018, he brought the rest of his property back to the country. And say: "I do not have any more cash abroad. "

According to the 2017 affidavit published last year, he had repatriated 16% of his property during this year.

The Dujovne document corresponding to the year 2018 – and which was released Friday to the anti-corruption Office – throws the minister away abroad in cash for US $ 1,604,071.23, in savings banks in Uruguay and the United States. That amounted to $ 59,959,953.92, the minister said, using an exchange rate of $ 37.38 per dollar. A year ago, his foreign currency accounts were $ 2,018,280.54.

In addition, the Minister of Finance maintains his participation in society Florentine Global, housed in the Virgin Islands and worth 39,382,162.50 pesos (or 1,053 million US dollars, using the dollar that the official used to badess his foreign currency holdings). And she owns shares of the Uruguay-based company, Jilym Company ($ 97,364.25). These companies entered their badets in July 2016 as indicated. It also holds a $ 611,526 stake in Para Bien SA, based in Uruguay. In this case, he reported that it was a donation.

Dujovne also has two goods abroad: a lot in the Rocha department in Uruguay, worth $ 12,187,500, and a house in José Ignacio, Uruguay, valued at $ 35,758,250.

The Minister also reported investments in bonds and country shares in Argentina for a total of $ 4,327,655.27. And the US dollar deposits hosted in Argentina for a total of $ 128,000.75or 4.8 million pesos.

Add to that three properties located in the country, a house and two apartments, with a total value of $ 2.9 million. And two cars and personal belongings.

In April 2018, the News Magazine said that Dujovne had launched into money laundering before becoming an official and outsourced badet for 20 million pesos. The minister never confirmed nor denied the information, but attributed the leak to "a gang of criminals". He consulted with the Minister's spokesperson on the details of the affidavit, public access, but did not get immediate response.


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