Nicolás Maduro and Pedro Castillo reach agreement to repatriate Venezuelans en masse


The two heads of state reached an agreement to resolve the Venezuelan migration crisis.  (Photo: Andean)
The two heads of state reached an agreement to resolve the Venezuelan migration crisis. (Photo: Andean)

The Venezuelan President, Nicolas maduro, announced that it has reached an agreement with Pedro Castillo to repatriate en masse Venezuelan citizens living in the Peru.

This repatriation program, which until now was called the ‘Vuelta a la patria’ plan, aims to resolve the Venezuelan migration crisis, which was raised during a meeting between the two leaders recently in Mexico City during the Community Summit. countries of Latin America and the Caribbean. States (Celac).

“I was talking to President Pedro Castillo about the Vuelta a la Patria plan, We have over 42,000 Venezuelan men and women registered to return from Peru. We agreed to coordinate from Peru and Venezuela for a massive return to the homeland. We put the planes and we will seek the support of the UNHCR and other international organizations for this plan, because these Venezuelans want to return ”Maduro said.

He stressed that he had also spoken with his Peruvian counterpart of an interest in purchasing certain products from Peruvian industry, Peruvian agriculture, trade, “we have to buy in Peru a series of products for Venezuelan industry. We had a good conversation with President Castillo ”.


The Ministry of External Relations said today that Peru has not severed diplomatic relations with Venezuela, which are currently conducted at the consular level.

“Peru has never severed diplomatic relations with Venezuela,” the Foreign Ministry said in a statement, later specifying that “these relations have been maintained during previous administrations and are currently at the consular level” .

Torre Tagle’s document added that the government of Peru “is engaged in negotiations” currently being carried out by the government of Venezuela and the opposition of that country, with Mexico as the host country.

These negotiations have the facilitation of Norway and the support of Russia and the Netherlands, and Peru hopes that they will be concluded “with positive results for the Venezuelan people”.

“In this sense, Peru welcomes the progress made to date within the framework of the Table of the process of dialogue and negotiation on Venezuela in order to normalize its political life through the call for fair, free and democratic elections. , and the end of the economic crisis. sanctions that affect the Venezuelan people ”, underlined Torre Tagle.


During his participation in the 76th General Assembly of the United Nations (UN), the President of the Republic, Pedro Castillo, underlined that Peru is committed to the comprehensive strategy to fight terrorism, a scourge he condemned and rejected. .

“Peru is committed to international peace and security, to respect for international law and to an inclusive agenda,” said the president. “We condemn and reject terrorism in all its forms,” ​​Castillo stressed.

The president recalled that the country “suffered terrorist violence and knew how to impose itself”. “Terrorism has never been and never will be a means of social transformation; violence only generates destruction, human rights violations and its victims are the poorest and dispossessed, ”he added.

He also considered that this practice “violates human dignity and is irreconcilable with the values ​​of a democratic society”.

At another point in his speech, referring to women and girls, Castillo said his government “will fully guarantee their rights and eliminate all discriminatory social norms and practices” against them.

“We need to establish concrete gender equality. All legal, social and economic obstacles that hinder the empowerment of women and girls must be removed, ”the president said.

Castillo considered that the new world social pact promoted by the UN by its secretary general, Antonio Guterres, “must take a leap forward in the effective exercise of women’s rights, which are human rights”. “My government will do it,” he said.


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