Nicolás Maduro announced a new reform of the Chavist judiciary


Nicolás Maduro and Diosdado Cabello
Nicolás Maduro and Diosdado Cabello

The dictator of Venezuela, Nicolas maduro, announced the launch of a reform of the Legal authority with the argument that “A deep and accelerated revolution of the national justice system is needed.

This was put forward by Maduro, who also revealed that God gave the hair will be the chairman of the Special Commission for Justice Reform and Cilia flores your vice president.

In Venezuela, a deep and accelerated revolution of the national justice system is needed. Our country needs a revolution that shakes, shakes and transforms the entire country’s legal system“Maduro said.

In this sense, he affirmed that “the power is given to this commission to present a plan of structural changes in the Venezuelan judicial system in a short period of time. by new laws and for that the role of the new Assembly is important ”.

“The special commission set a period of 60 days so that he resolves in a deep way with justice and without impunity in detention centers across the country and the systems are regularized», Detailed the dictator Chavist.

In this sense, he emphasized “The need to readjust all laws that have to do with the justice system so that there is timely, fair justice, and Venezuela has a robust state that responds to citizens.”

For its part, Diosdado Cabello pointed out, contrary to the evidence to the contrary, that the system has supposedly improved “substantially”. However, the powers of the state, including justice, are completely co-opted by the Chavismo, who uses them to persecute and imprison the opposition.

This would be the second justice reform led by Chavismo. In 2004, the National Assembly controlled by the MVR amended the Law on the Supreme Court to expand its composition from 20 to 32 members. In this way, Chavismo has succeeded in seizing the judiciary by regulating the 12 new magistrates, but also by appointing five additional magistrates to fill some vacant positions in recent months, and 32 others as deputy magistrates.


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