Nicolás Maduro announced the most important military maneuvers in the history of Venezuela – 27/01/2019


The President of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, announced Sunday in a barracks "the most important maneuvers in the history of Venezuelawhich will be developed between February 10 and 15 for demonstrate the "military power" of the army.

"We are preparing the most important military exercises in the history of Venezuela from February 10 to 15. These are the most important exercises in our entire country, because we will demonstrate all our military strength, "he said in an act of the Fort Paramacay barracks, in the state of Carabobo, headquarters of the 41st Armored Brigade" We will demonstrate military power " , did he declare.

Soldiers take part in a military act in Caracas (Venezuela) (EFE).

Soldiers take part in a military act in Caracas (Venezuela) (EFE).

In addition, Maduro asked the Army to unite for defeat the "coup d'etat" this supposes the self-proclamation of Juan Guaidó as president in charge of the country.

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"The Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB), faced with the panorama of the coup d'état that the constitutional government of Venezuela is going through, will be every day more faithful to the people, the Bolivarian revolution and more faithful to the fatherland", said in comments collected by the Venezuelan media.

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Defense Minister Vladimir Padrino López (cen) on Thursday offered a press conference in Caracas (Venezuela). Padrino rejected the self-proclamation of the head of Parliament, Juan Guaidó, as "president in charge" of the country, and felt that it was "a reprehensible event" which presented a great danger (EFE).

Defense Minister Vladimir Padrino López (cen) on Thursday offered a press conference in Caracas (Venezuela). Padrino rejected the self-proclamation of the head of Parliament, Juan Guaidó, as "president in charge" of the country, and felt that it was "a reprehensible event" which presented a great danger (EFE).

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What happened today? We tell you the most important news of the day and what will happen tomorrow when you get up

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Maduro pleaded for the maximum union at the FANB "to defeat the coup d'etat imperialist". "The country is fighting for the truth and freedom of Venezuela. Colombia conspired to divide the NBSA with poison, "he said.

Wednesday, January 23, Juan Guaidó declared President of Venezuela considering illegitimate the new six-year term badumed by Maduro January 10 and be the next constitutional authority in the country.

Guaidó has been recognized by the United States, Colombia and Brazil, among other countries, while the major European powers have issued an ultimatum to Maduro so that call elections within eight days or, otherwise, they will recognize Guaidó.

Europa Press Agency.


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