Nicolás Maduro closed the border, but 60 soldiers deserted and entered Colombia in search of a safe haven


Nicolás Maduro gave order and the armed forces loyal to his government executed: they closed the international bridges that linked Venezuela to Latin America on Saturday. However, from Brazil, a truck arrived with food for the poor and at the same time more than 60 members of the security forces came from Venezuela to seek refuge in Colombia.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Colombia, Carlos Holmes-Trujillo, said at a press conference that "Saturday, 60 unarmed soldiers arrived in Colombian territory to seek refuge." And for that reason, he badyzed: "This shows the loss of confidence in the Venezuelan usurper".

Holmes-Trujillo said the desertions "occurred Saturday in the departments of Norte de Santander and Arauca". Within the group that received Migration Colombia, there were two women – one door notes – from the Bolivarian National Police.

For their part, from Migración Colombia, they added: "Only in the north of Santander 53 members of the Venezuelan Armed Forces have fled to our country, including members of the National Guard, Navy, National Police and Special Forces (FAES) ".

Finally, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Colombia indicated that after the crackdown on the Venezuelan side of the border, 285 people – 30 Colombians – were injuredmainly because of tear gas and the use of unconventional weapons, 37 of which were hospitalized.


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