Nicolás Maduro closes all Venezuela's airspace and the border with Brazil – 21/02/2019


The regime of Nicolás Maduro has ordered the closure of the airspace throughout the Venezuelan territory for general and private aviation, as of this Thursday, without specifying until when, possibly until the next 25, to prevent the entrance of humanitarian aid. At the same time, announced the indefinite closure of the border with Brazil and stated that he was evaluating a similar measure with Colombia.

"I have decided: in southern Venezuela, starting at 21:00 (21:00 in Argentina) on February 21, the land border with Brazil will be totally and absolutely closed until further notice," Maduro said. at a meeting with the high military command at Fuerte Tiuna, the country's main military complex.

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The president also said that he "badessed the total closure of the border with Colombia", considering what he considered as "provocations" and attacks on the government of President Iván Duque in alliance with the American sovereign Donald Trump.

"I hold Mr. Iván Duque responsible for all the violence at the border," said Maduro, who also called on the Colombian army not to engage in any aggression against Venezuela.

The authorities also closed this week for indefinite maritime and air borders with the Caribbean islands of Aruba, Curacao and Bonaire, off the western coast of Venezuela.

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The National Institute of Civil Aeronautics (INAC) announced the closure of the airspace throughout the territory, which allowed to enforce the provisions "sections 56 and 57 of the Aeronautics Act civil ". Equal announced that "Exploitation and circulation on the national territory and other geographical areas of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela are prohibited" previously specified aircraft, in accordance with the provisions of Articles 78 and 79 of the above-mentioned law.

The first airline to notify the suspension of its operations to and from Venezuela is the French airline AirFrance of 23, 24 and 25 February.

Despite the restrictions on air movements in Venezuela, Venezuela's self-proclaimed interim president, Juan Guaidó, launched a Caracas bus convoy at the border on Thursday morning with a large group of MPs to receive humanitarian aid in the country. Táchira Cúcuta

The journey of more than 800 km between Caracas and the Táchira state border takes at best about nine hours, given the shortage of gasoline that complicates indoor service stations and other obstacles, such as than checkpoints and checkpoints that hinder the movement of vehicles overland.

Four collection centers were set up: Cúcuta (Colombia), Roraima (Brazil), Curacao (Caribbean in northeastern Venezuela) and Miami (United States) to serve some 300,000 Venezuelan patients in critical condition and supply hospitals collapsed Venezuela

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Guaidó said that the closure of the space of the Dutch islands of Aruba and Curaçao would not prevent badistance to the Venezuelan ports of Puerto Cabello and La Guaira to reach " yes or yes ". From Puerto Rico, a ship with 250 tons of products has already left.

The border area between Cúcuta and Táchira will be red this weekend for events planned for humanitarian aid. There are two parallel concerts, the so-called Venezuela Aid Live in favor of humanitarian aid and that of Maduro.

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Maduro probably decides to go to the border at the last minute to distribute some 20,000 bags of food to the children of Cucuta in Cucuta and attend the Chavista concert on the Tienditas Bridge, whose list of guest artists has not been announced yet because the most well-known groups have not been there yet. wanted to go.

Guaidó wanted to personally direct the operation of the 100-ton border crossing and campaigned with the regional commanders of the military zones to allow the entrance of the equipment.

Young Acting President May Attend British Richard Branson Concert and there is a crowd (about 250,000 people) with international guest artists, including the Puma, José Luis Rodríguez, who opens his new lungs, and Juanes.

It is also possible that Guaidó will meet on the border with Colombian Presidents Iván Duque, Paraguay, Mario Abdo Benítez, and Chile's Sebastián Piñera, who will personally travel to provide badistance to Venezuela's most vulnerable people. .

Caracas, special



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