Nicolás Maduro confirmed contacts with Donald Trump


Nicolás Maduro talks with Diosdado Cabello Source: AP

CARACAS.- The President of



Nicolás Maduro

confirmed today the contacts between his government and senior Washington officials, endorsing the statements previously made by his US counterpart,

Donald Trump


"I confirm that for months, officials of the US government, Donald Trump, and the Bolivarian government, which I preside under my express and direct authorization, several contacts, in many ways, to try to resolve this conflict," said Maduro . in the required radio and television channels.

The weekend had transcended the fact that the contact of the American president in Caracas was the president of the National Constituent Assembly,

Diosdado Cabello


However, the number two Chavismo dealt with the negation of this version. "The empire is very arrogant, which is why they believe that they will divide us with gossip," Cabello said.

AFP Agency



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