Nicolás Maduro confirmed negotiations with the opposition in Venezuela: “There will be new guarantees for the November 21 elections”


Dictator Nicolás Maduro confirmed the November 21 elections in Venezuela and He assured that “intense negotiations” are underway with the opposition to “broaden electoral guarantees”.

In an interview with US media outlet Bloomberg, Maduro said that “The first steps are being taken for a fair dialogue with the opposition.”

Consulted on whether the requirements of international observers for elections, the Venezuelan assured that all “you are invited”.

He said invitations had been sent to important centers of political thought, electoral specialists and international organizations, including the African Union, European Union and ASEAN, as well as observers from the United States.

Regarding relations with the United States, the dictator was open to “Open a communication corridor” with the North American country and “Regularize diplomatic relations”. He expressed his wish to “reach an agreement of coexistence and exchange “ and of “Reactivate oil investments and American economic investments in Venezuela”.

He also urged the President of the United States, Joe biden, to what “cease, from the White House and the State Department, the demonization of Venezuela, the demonization of the Bolivarian Revolution and the demonization of President Nicolás Maduro “.

“I hope we can find ways of rapprochement, of respect, of mutual benefit which make it possible to regularize relations between the United States and Venezuela“He added.

Nicolás Maduro in the interview with the American media Bloomberg
Nicolás Maduro in the interview with the American media Bloomberg

On the other hand, Maduro revealed that almost met former US President Donald Trump in September 2018, when they both visited the United Nations General Assembly. However, the dictator assured that the meeting did not take place due to “Pressure” from American officials. “If we had met another would have been history”, said of the tensions they went through during the four years of the Trump administration.

Regarding the economic situation that his country is going through, the dictator assured that before “Venezuela imported 80% of all its food” and that today the nation “produces 80% for the population of Venezuelan territory”.

In addition, he noted that the regime had decided allow the use of the US dollar for trade, because he qualified “positive”.

A man exchanges a dollar bill with the bus driver's assistant at a stop outside the train station in Caracas, Venezuela on March 9, 2021. Photo taken on March 9, 2021. REUTERS / Leonardez Fernandez Viloria
A man exchanges a dollar bill with the bus driver’s assistant at a stop outside the train station in Caracas, Venezuela on March 9, 2021. Photo taken on March 9, 2021. REUTERS / Leonardez Fernandez Viloria

“It has been a useful safety valve for consumers, entrepreneurs and the economy. We had swallow thick, put a cool head and develop a set of policies that allow the productive forces of the country to run the course and lead us to a situation that will hopefully consolidate in the second half of the year, which is to return to economic growth“He added.

Regarding the Venezuela’s international relations, Maduro aimed against the G7 members, who at the last summit last weekend in Cornwall (England), published a joint statement against China. “It is really cursed and hateful”, said the Venezuelan.


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