Nicolás Maduro dictatorship rejected offer from Venezuelan private sector to buy COVID-19 vaccines


Jorge Rodríguez, President of the Chavist National Assembly (EFE / MIGUEL GUTIÉRREZ)
Jorge Rodríguez, President of the Chavist National Assembly (EFE / MIGUEL GUTIÉRREZ)

Despite the slowness of the vaccination campaign that the Chavist authorities are developing, this Tuesday The Nicolás Maduro dictatorship rejected the vaccination plan proposed a few days ago by Fedecámaras, the main organization of business unions in Venezuela.

Jorge rodriguez, president of the Chavist National Assembly, ruled out the possibility of building a vaccination plan with the participation of all sectors of the country.

“The only entity authorized, trained and legitimized to comply with COVID vaccination is the Ministry of Health”warns the chavist manager.

Rodríguez argued that the national immunization plan was prepared by “the only authority Venezuela has”: “The only legal and legitimate health authority in Venezuela is the Ministry of Health of the government of Nicolás Maduro. This plan has already been drawn up and brought to this technical table ”.

The dictatorship spokesman’s statement comes two days after Maduro attacked Fedecámaras, describing him as a “nest of vipers that lends itself to conspiracy plans”.

Ricardo Cusanno, President of Fedecámaras de Venezuela (courtesy of Fedecamaras / Handout via Reuters)
Ricardo Cusanno, President of Fedecámaras de Venezuela (courtesy of Fedecamaras / Handout via Reuters)

At the end of March, the organization that brings together the main private companies of the Caribbean country proposed a plan to vaccinate three million Venezuelans in four and a half months. Its implementation would require six million doses and a hundred private clinics.

In the presentation of the project, Ricardo cussano, president of the organization, explained that the idea was to allocate 20% of the doses to the most vulnerable population “following the directives of the National Executive”. The rest would go to workers and their families. He also indicated that it is not a “marketing plan”, but that the intention is to help Venezuelans with “the human right to access vaccines”.

Despite the refusal expressed by the Chavist authorities, on February 17, Maduro himself had expressed not to oppose the private sector helping to improve the vaccination plan against the coronavirus: “It could be, in the middle of the battle against sanctions. would not be bad ”.

So far, 750,000 vaccines have arrived in the country, of which 250,000 come from Russian Sputnik V and 500,000 from Chinese Sinpharm.

Maduro said last Sunday that Venezuela would produce two million Cuban Abdala’s covid-19 vaccine per month, after reiterating it had signed a deal with the Caribbean island to manufacture the drugs.

Venezuelan doctors ask for supply of coronavirus vaccines (REUTERS / Manaure Quintero)
Venezuelan doctors ask for supply of coronavirus vaccines (REUTERS / Manaure Quintero)

“We signed an agreement to produce, in our laboratories (…), two million vaccines per month of the Abdala vaccine, already there for the month of August, September, approximately”the Venezuelan dictator said in a transmission on public broadcaster VTV.

He also assured that the country will sign agreements with China, Russia and “other countries” to produce covid-19 vaccines.

The Abdala vaccine is still in the testing phase and, according to Maduro, the studies “are going very well”. Last Thursday, the Venezuelan vice-president, Delcy Rodriguez, confirmed that the immunizer would be produced in a state laboratory in Caracas.

Despite the serious humanitarian crisis in the country and the questioned management of the pandemic, The Chavista regime has said it hopes to be able to immunize 70% of the population against the coronavirus this year with vaccines from Russia, China, Cuba and the Covax mechanism., which is coordinated by the World Health Organization (WHO).

Just over a million vaccines have arrived in Venezuela (REUTERS / Leonardo Fernandez Viloria)
Just over a million vaccines have arrived in Venezuela (REUTERS / Leonardo Fernandez Viloria)

Over the weekend, Maduro detailed that the advance payment for the Covax plan, for which the country will purchase 11,374,400 covid-19 vaccines, was made with money that was “released” from the ” sequestration ”of resources which, according to the dictator, the United States government has done.

With the aim of “speeding up the delivery of vaccines”, Maduro held a video conference on Monday with the Director General of WHO, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. “I had a very productive videoconference with Dr Tedros Adhanom, Director General of WHO (WHO), Dr Carissa F. Etienne, Director of PAHO, and representatives of Gavi, in order to expedite delivery. vaccines for our population, through the Covax system, ”the dictator wrote on his social media.

With information from EFE


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