Nicolás Maduro, in front of the army: "Soldiers of the country, the time has come to fight"


Nicolás Maduro, in front of the army: "Soldiers of the country, the time has come to fight" Credit: HO / Presidency / JHONN ZERPA / AFP

This morning, very early, when the sun had not yet risen, the president of


Nicolás Maduro,

he talked about a
Military base of the capital in front of a multitude of officers and called on the armed forces to fight to defend the country.

Nicolás Maduro spoke very early about a military base Credit: HO / Presidency / JHONN ZERPA / AFP

In an image recalling that published two days ago by the leader of the opposition,

Juan Guaidó,

who also showed on social networks at dawn and next to the
released political prisoner

Leopoldo Lopez

To ask for the support of the military and the people in order to put an end to the Chavista's government, Maduro asked today: "Soldiers of the country, the time has come to fight, the time has come to give an example to history and to the world. "

"Before our people, this Bolivarian national armed force must give a lesson in history at this time and that is what I call them: soldiers of the country, the time has come to
to fight. The time has come to give an example to history and the world. And to say that in Venezuela, there is a coherent, loyal and consistent NBSAP, more than ever, "said the Bolivarian faced with an aggravated economic and social crisis, characterized by record inflation and food shortages.

It was not yet dawn when Maduro spoke to the army Credit: HO / Presidency / JHONN ZERPA / AFP

Similarly, the successor of Hugo Chávez badured thousands of soldiers: "Here is the story: how many have betrayed Bolivar and no one remembers how many have betrayed Chavez and who remembers". Where are they? "They used them and threw them away."

In front of the groups who listened attentively, Maduro said: "We must awaken, stir up, the sacred fire of the values ​​of the Venezuelan army against the traitors and the coupistes, we fight in the whole line of defense of our honor. a historical debate, build a new story ".

Nicolás Maduro, in front of the army: "Soldiers of the country, the time has come to fight" Credit: HO / Presidency / JHONN ZERPA / AFP

The president also spoke of the failure of "coup attempt coupons who sell themselves in Washington dollars" and said: "The armed forces must be shown to the united, disciplined, subordinate people, more and more obedient to principles and values, fighting to disarm any traitor, all golpista ".

While pronouncing his speech, the army chanted and celebrated his words with the cry of "Always loyal, never treacherous". At the same time, Maduro accused the opposition: "They took out machine guns not to defend the country, but to target the Venezuelan army and the people, and used their weapons to attack La Carlota air base. . " However, the Bolivarian said that he could not achieve his goal because the soldiers understood that they had been deceived.

Nicolás Maduro welcomes his supporters Credit: HO / Presidency / JHONN ZERPA / AFP

"80% of the officers left them alone when they realized that they had been cheated, they had told them that they were going to be operated on and when they saw the faces of the leaders of the coup d'etat. "State, they are gone, fight," he said.

Since Guaidó announced Tuesday the beginning of the final phase of the "Liberty" operation to get Maduro out of the Miraflores Palace, protesters took to the streets to demonstrate en mbade, violently suppressed by groups loyal to Chavez. They crushed protesters gathered at one of the Caracas points with tanks. Since then, dozens of wounded, detainees and at least two people have died.

Pictures: AFP

Photographic edition: Fernanda Corbani


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