Nicolás Maduro is said to be ready to negotiate with the opposition in Venezuela – 30/01/2019


Nicolás Maduro, President of Venezuela, badured Wednesday that he was "ready" to negotiate with the opposition and described as "very good" the possibility of holding early parliamentary elections, even though it posed certain conditions for its development.

S addressing the Russian official media, Maduro said: "I'm ready to sit down at the bargaining table with the opposition speak for the sake of Venezuela, for the sake of peace and the future of the country ".

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"We are at a stage of private conversations, telephone, between presidents, chancellors. Our Chancellor (Jorge Arreaza) is very active. Hope that there are results in the coming hours, "he added about the initiative, supported by a group of countries.

According to Maduro, the dialogue would be provided by "Mexico, Uruguay, Bolivia, Russia, the Vatican and some European governments".

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Maduro's statements to the Russian news agency RIA Novosti and on the site Sputnik News They occurred in the middle of a political crisis in the South American nation.

The leader of the opposition, Juan Guaidó, declared himself acting president of the country last week and urged the public to challenge Maduro by calling for strikes on Wednesday. Guaidó has been recognized by several countries, including the United States and eleven of those that make up the Lima group (Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Panama, Paraguay and Peru).

Meanwhile, the European Union issued an ultimatum to Maduro on Saturday: in the event of no convening of early elections in eight days, the continental bloc could recognize Guaidó as the only legitimate authority.

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The possibility of organizing early elections was evoked by Maduro in his statements to the Russian media, even though he limited himself to the legislative sphere.

"Serious very good to organize parliamentary elections before, It would be a good form of political discussion, a good solution by the popular vote, "said the president about the elections, which should be held in principle in 2020.

However, he subordinated it to an area of ​​state in which Chavismo maintains gravitation: "I would agree to go ahead, by a decree of the National Constituent Assembly, and that this would serve as an exit valve to the tension created by the imperialist coup d'etat in Venezuela ".

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And in dialogue with Sputnik News, accused Donald Trump of giving the order to the murder.

"Without a doubt, Trump gave the order to kill me and he told the Colombian government and the mafias of the Colombian oligarchy to kill me, "said the Venezuelan president, who had already told his American counterpart when he denounced a drone attack in July 2018.

Russia, from which these statements from Maduro originate, is one of the most powerful allies of the Venezuelan president and has proposed to play the role of mediator.

With information from DPA, AP and AFP


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