Nicolás Maduro Off-Road: Train with Troops and Patrol Cuts in Amphibians – 28/01/2019


He lets himself be smiled. Dance with the people who support him. Patrol the coast into amphibians and go out to train with the troops. Since Juan Guaidó proclaimed himself acting president of Venezuela and called him "usurper", Nicolás Maduro He embarked on a race to prove that he had the power.

Twitter is a true reflection of your heated agenda. In the last 48 hours, He danced and played the bongos to the cry of we are indestructible! during a visit to a youth mission to promote studies, work and social protection. "Nothing stops us," he exclaimed.

With the impetus we give to the Great Youth Mission of Chamba, we will integrate young people into programs, studies and productive work, at all levels necessary for the development of the Motherland. Together we will get there!

– Nicolás Maduro (@NicolasMaduro) January 27, 2019

Clarin Bulletins

What happened today? We tell you the most important news of the day and what will happen tomorrow when you get up

What happened today? We tell you the most important news of the day and what will happen tomorrow when you get up

Monday to Friday afternoon.

But the note was given Sunday when he visited Fort Paramacy, the headquarters of the 41st Armored Brigade, to begin military exercise, in order to demonstrate that the armed forces (fundamental pillar of his government and his staying in power) they are with him

"Closed and dignified in front of imperial pretensions and destabilizing plans!", He wrote on Twitter during the review of the troops. At the same time, supporters of Guaidó distributed in barracks and military detachments copies of the law of amnesty asking the military to join their ranks.

According to the document, "all constitutional guarantees" will be granted to soldiers and civilians who "collaborate in the restoration of democracy".

Maduro not only welcomed the troops this weekend, but also He joined the troops in a training. He first walked and ran, chanting military slogans and patriots.

I kept reading

USA has given Juan Guaidó control of several Venezuelan bank accounts

Crisis in Venezuela


Pope Francisco on Venezuela:

After the visit to Panama


"We are preparing for the full defense of the homeland," he said.

After the bullfight, he took the wheel of an amphibian and went to patrol the coast.

"At the naval base Agustín Armario, we have consolidated our Caribbean heritage, which in a spirit defended the country with its life," he wrote.

At Naval Base C / A. Agustín Armario, we strengthen our Caribbean heritage which, with a warrior spirit, defended the country with its life.

– Nicolás Maduro (@NicolasMaduro) January 27, 2019

"We are preparing for the most important military exercises in our history, as a tribute to the Bicentennial of Angostura, with the aim of bringing together all the operational, organizational, military and trade union civil defense capabilities to defend our homeland," he said. declared.

We are preparing for the most important military exercises in our history, in tribute to the bicentennial of Angostura. Its purpose is to match all operational, organizational, military and military civic union capabilities for the defense of our homeland.

– Nicolás Maduro (@NicolasMaduro) January 27, 2019

The truth is that the president of Venezuela will face this week a new attack from the opposition Guaidó, who called for new events for this Wednesday and Saturday, while he runs the eight-day deadline that European countries have given him to accept some free elections

Also encouraged by the strong support of the United States, Guaidó on Sunday called for a mobilization on Wednesday to call on the Armed Forces to withdraw their support for Maduro, and Saturday for a big march in favor of the European ultimatum.

Look also

France, Germany, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands and Portugal gave their mandate to Maduro until February 3 to call elections or to otherwise recognize Guaidó, the majority-dominated president of parliament, interim president of Venezuela.

The aggravation of the crisis occurs in the middle of economic debacle of Venezuela, with its oil company declared in suspension of payments and a hyperinflation which, according to the estimations of the IMF, will reach 10 000 000% this year.

Guaidó seeks to break the backing of Maduro, the armed forces, who, although claiming to be united, show cracks: Saturday, the defense attaché in Washington, Colonel Jose Luis Silva, ignored Maduro and urged the Army to support the self-proclaimed interim president

Source: AFP and Twitter @NicolasMaduro


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